11 new ramsar sites in India were added. .These 11 more sites took the number of total number of Ramsar Sites in India from 64 to 75. The newly added 11 Ramsar sites are :


  1. Tampara Lake
  2. Hirakud Reservoir
  3. Ansupa Lake
  4. Yashwant Sagar
  5. Chitrangudi Bird Sanctuary
  6. Suchindram Theroor Wetland Complex.
  7. Vaduvur Bird Sanctuary
  8. Kanjirankulam Bird Sanctuary
  9. Thane Creek
  10. Hygam Wetland Conservation Reserve
  11. Shallbugh Wetland Conservation Reserve


The 11 newly added ramsar sites included wetlands, Bird sanctuaries and lakes. Of all the newly added ramsar sites in 2022 ,5 sites belong to Tamil Nadu, 3 to Odisha , 2 to Jammu and Kashmir, and 1 each to Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh.


11 New Ramsar Sites in India


On the eve of 75th Independence day 11 new sites were added to the list of ramsar sites , taking the total count to 75. In these 75 sites, Tamil Nadu has the highest number of ramsar sites i,e 14 Ramsar sites . The newly added ramsar sites in 2022 are


Ramsar Sites India 2022


In 2022 total 19 new ramsar sites were included in the list of ramsar sites, taking the total number of ramsar sites in India to 75. In the year 2022 actually total of 28 sites have been declared as Ramsar sites .These 28 sites got the Ramsar certification in 2022. In these 28 sites, 14 sites from 2021 got there ramsar certification this year. While 19 sites for 2022 got ramsar certificate this year. In this total of 75 ramsar sites , Tamil Nadu has maximum ramsar site and 14 for previous year (2021). Tamil Nadu has maximum number of Ramsar sites (14 ). On second number Uttar Pardesh (UP) has 10 number of Ramsar sites . New Ramsar sites include :


Tampara Lake : :


One of the most popular freshwater lakes in the state of Odisha is Tampara Lake has been added to the list of new ramsar sites in India that is located in the Ganjam district. The British called the depression on the ground “Tamp,” and the locals afterwards referred to it as “Tampra.” The depression on the earth eventually filled with rainwater from catchment flow. At least 60 different bird species, 46 different fish species, at least 48 different phytoplankton species, and more than 7 distinct terrestrial plant and macrophyte species can all be found in the marsh.


For delicate species like the river tern, cyprinus carpio, and common pochard (Aythya ferina), the wetland is a crucial habitat (Sterna aurantia). The wetland is a vital source of income for the nearby villages, with an estimated average annual fish production of 12 tonnes. The wetland contains fish as well. This wetland is also a famous tourist attractions and people often visit here for recreation purposes.


Tampara lake is the newly added ramsar site from the state of Odisha. This lake is home to a large number of fishes and other aquatic and terrestrial plants . It is the first among the newly added 11 new ramsar sites in India 2022


Hirakud Reservoir


The largest earthen dam in Odisha, Hirakud Reservoir, began operating in 1957. A variety of plant and animal species, including some with great conservation importance, are supported by the reservoir. Several of the 54 species of fish from the reservoir that are known has been classified as endangered. There are also 21 fish species that are significant economically.


Hirakud reservoir currently provide 7,000 fisher households with their primary source of income and yield an annual catch of about 480 MT of fish. Likewise, this location has records for over 130 bird species, 20 of which are of great conservation importance. The reservoir provides water for irrigation purposes 436,000 ha of cultural command area and generating about 300 MW of hydropower.  The Hirakud Reservoir was added to the list of new ramsar sites in India . This reservoir also attracts a large number of tourists every year.


Ansupa Lake


The largest freshwater lake in Odisha, Ansupa Lake is located in the Cuttack district’s Banki subdistrict and has long been renowned for its scenic beauty, biodiversity, and natural riches. The wetland, which covers 231 acres, is an oxbow lake created by the River Mahanadi. Along with 244 types of macrophytes, the wetland is home to at least 194 bird species, 61 fish species, and 26 animal species.


At least three threatened bird species—Rynchops albicollis (EN), Sterna acuticauda (EN), and Sterna aurantia (VU)—as well as three threatened fish species—Clariias magur (Clariidae) (EN), Cyprinus carpio (Cyprinidae) (VU), and Wallago attu—can all be found safely residing in the marsh (VU). This lake also provides the fresh water to the surrounding areas. It was added to the list of newly added ramsar sites India


Ansupa, which is 50 kilometres from Cuttack, is situated in the midst of the state highway that runs between the Banki and Athagarh blocks of the Cuttack district. Ansupa is the largest freshwater lake in Odisha, covering 382 km.


The lake’s name comes from the way it looks, which resembles a horse shoe (Ansupa). The lake’s numerous colours throughout the rainy season provide for a stunning spectacle, and the migratory birds’ presence during the winter adds to the lake’s vitality. The lake’s boating amenities are an additional interest.


The historic fort ruins that are perched atop the Saranda hill next to the lake contribute to the area’s attractiveness and offer a bird’s-eye perspective of the lake. It lake also belongs to ramsar sites India


Yashwant Sagar


One of the two Important Bird Areas (IBA) in the Indore area and one of the most prominent birding locations in Madhya Pradesh’s Malwa region is Ashwant Sagar. It is in list of 11 new ramsar sites in Inida 2022. Currently, it is mostly used to supply water to the city of Indore and is also employed commercially for fish farming. The Indore City Municipal Corporation has control over the Yashwant Sagar reservoir.


The capital of Madhya Pradesh and one of the cleanest cities in India, Indore is also commonly referred to as the state’s economic growth hub. This wetland’s catchment area is primarily agricultural. The endangered Sarus Crane is thought to have a stronghold in central India’s Yashwant Sagar. The lake’s backwaters are fully of shallow water areas, providing good breeding ground to the birds and fowls. Being part of ramsar sites india, this site also provides the a breeding ground to many migratory birds in winter.


Among the 11 new ramsar sites in India 2022. Taking the ramsar sites india total to 75. It is also one of Madhya Pradesh’s 19 Important Bird Areas. The Yashwant Sagar dam was designated in 11 new Ramsar sites in india 2022 on August 11, 2022.  Additionally, it is one of the most significant birding locations in Malwa and one of the two IBAs in the Indore region. 


Chitrangudi Bird Sanctuary


The Ramanathapuram district of Tamil Nadu is home to the Chitrangudi Bird Sanctuary, sometimes referred to as “Chitrangudi Kanmoli” locally. It was added to ramsar sites in India 2022. Taking ramsar sites in Inida total to 75 The wetland has been declared a protected area since 1989 and is governed by the Ramanathapuram division of the Tamil Nadu Forest Department.


Winter migrating birds thrive in the Chitrangudi Bird Sanctuary. A total of 50 birds from 30 different families have been recorded at the location. Three land birds and 47 aquatic birds are present. Spot-billed pelicans, small egrets, grey herons, large egrets, open-billed storks, purple, and pond herons are notable waterbirds that have been seen nearby. Agribusiness fields surround Chitrangudi, where various crops are raised all year long. Several fish, amphibians, molluscs, aquatic insects, and other animals live in the marsh as well.


The Sanctuary is a haven for avian enthusiasts. You will enjoy spotting and recognising the various species of colourful winged animals that live in or visit the sanctuary, including grey herons, painted storks, grey pelicans, black ibis, and white ibis, as well as open-billed storks, grey pelicans, dabchick, cattle egret, Indian darters, pond herons, and little egrets. It is also a ramsar site among 11 new ramsar sites in India 2022


Suchindram Theroor Wetland Complex


Suchindrum A portion of the Suchindrum-Theroor Manakudi Conservation Reserve is the Theroor Wetland Complex. It is situated at the southernmost point of the migratory bird flyway in Central Asia and has been designated an Important Bird Area. It was built so that birds may build nests there, and thousands of birds visit it every year.


There are around 10,500 people who depend on Theroor for their livelihood, and 75% of them depend on agriculture, which in turn depends on the water discharged from the Theroor tank. This perpetual, man-made tank is located inland. Pasumkulam, Venchikulam, Nedumarthukulam, Perumkulam, Elemchikulam, and Konadunkulam are mentioned in copper plate inscriptions from the ninth century. There are over 250 bird species in the region, of which 53 are migratory, 12 are endemic, and 4 are threatened. With 94.23 hectare area Theroor was among the 11 new ramsar sites in India 2022


A wide range of aquatic plants, such as water lilies, lotuses, floating hearts, pistia, and other water plants, can be found in the Suchindram Pond. Birds can find sanctuary and a place to rest on an island that has been constructed in the middle of the area by a few tall trees and other vegetation. it is one of the 11 new ramsar sites in India 2022


Vaduvur Bird Sanctuary


A massive man-made irrigation tank, the 112.638 hectares Vaduvur bird sanctuary is a haven for migrating birds as it offers a perfect habitat for food, shelter, and breeding grounds. Although these irrigation tanks are important in terms of socioeconomics and culture, little is known about their ecological value. There have been no studies done to confirm that these tanks might support healthy populations of resident and wintering water birds.


The majority of the tanks surveyed contained Indian Pond Heron Ardeola grayii. In tanks, there were high densities of wintering waterfowl such Eurasian Wigeon Anas penelope, Northern Pintail Anas acuta, and Garganey Anas querquedula.
It is one among new 4 newly added ramsar sites in Tamil Nadu and 11 new ramsar sites in india 2022.


25 kilometres from Thanjavur and 30 kilometres from Thiruvarur separate the Vaduvoor Bird Sanctuary from those locations. More than 40 species of water birds, including the White Ibis, Painted stork, Grey Pelican, Pintails, Cormorants, Teals, Herons, Spoonbills, Darters, Coots, Open bill Storks, Pheasant-tailed Jacana, etc., are drawn to the sanctuary since it was founded in 1999. T It is among new ramsar sites in India


Kanjirankulam Bird Sanctuary


A protected region called Kanjirankulam Bird Sanctuary is located close to Tamil Nadu’s Mudukulathur Ramanathapuram District. India, as announced in 1989. Several migratory heron species use it as a nesting ground, and they roost in the area’s profusion of babul trees. Between October and February, migratory waterbirds that breed in this area include the painted stork, white ibis, black ibis, tiny egret, and great egret. Due to the breeding activity of the endangered Spot-billed Pelican (Pelecanus philippensis), the area qualifies as an IBA. It is the among 11 new ramsar sites in India 2022.


Numerous globally near-threatened species, such as the Spot-billed Pelican, Oriental Darter, Oriental white Ibis, and Painted Stork, can be found in the wetland, along with more common shore and water birds like greenshank, plovers, and stilts, as well as forest birds like bee-eaters, bulbuls, cuckoos, starlings, and barbets. It is the among new ramsar sites in India.


Thane Creek


Indian state of Maharashtra is home to Thane Creek. The Ulhas River is the greatest of the creek’s several fresh water sources, which also include other drainage channels from various suburban neighborhood’s of Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, and Thane.


Thane Creek Flamingo Sanctuary has been established there. Mangroves line both banks of Thane Creek and make up about 20% of all Indian mangrove species. The mangrove forest shields the land from storms, tidal surges, seawater invasions, and other natural disasters. It was the single new ramsar site among 11 new ramsar sites in India 2022 from Maharashtra


The mangrove supports the local fishing and acts as a nursery for a variety of species. The region has been designated as an Important Bird Area because it is a significant component of the wetland complex of the birds’ Central Asian Flyway (IBA). Along with the 202 species of avifauna, the creek is home to 59 species of butterflies, 67 species of insects, 24 species of zooplankton, 23 species of benthos, 35 species of phytoplankton, and 202 species of avifauna. It is among new ramsar sites in India


 Hygam Wetland Conservation Reserve


The Hygam Wetland is a significant flood absorption basin, biodiversity protection site, ecotourism destination, and source of livelihood security for the surrounding populations. It is located inside the River Jhelum basin. The Baramulla district is where the wetland is. Both migratory bird species and many local residents use it as a home. It was recently added to the list of ramsar sites in India.


Additionally, it is acknowledged as an Important Bird Area (IBA). Hygam Wetland has mostly lost its wetland qualities as a result of the high rate of siltation, and in many locations, its profile has converted into a landmass. Numerous ecosystem services, such as fish and fibre production, water supply and purification, climate control, flood control, and recreational activities are all provided by Hygam Wetland. The ecosystem services provided by wetlands are either completely or partially responsible for the livelihoods of those who live in or close to wetlands. It was recently added to the list of new Ramsar sites in India


 Shallbugh Wetland Conservation Reserve


District Srinagar, UT of J&K is home to the Shallabug Wetland Conservation Reserve. Between September and March, a sizable portion of the wetland dries up. There are large reedbeds of Typha angustata and Phragmites communis in the area, as well as dense growths of Nymphaea candida and N. stellata on open water. More than four lakh resident and migratory birds of at least 21 species call it home.


The Shallabugh Wetland is crucial for seasonal water retention for wetlands or other regions downstream that are vital for conservation. It also plays a significant role in the natural management, amelioration, or avoidance of flooding. The recharging of aquifers depends on the wetland, an important floodplain system in nature. Shallabugh Wetland ecosystem services include fish and fibre production; water supply and purification; climate and flood control; and recreational activities. There are numerous kinds of water birds that use the marsh as a crucial breeding habitat.


List of Ramsar sites in India


List of all the ramsar sites in India. In August 2022 , 11 new sites were added to the list of ramsar sites, taking the total number of ramsar sites to 75. Below is the list of ramsar sites with the state/UT of its location and the year of its establishment. State-wise list of all the Ramsar sites in India.







Point Calimere Wildlife and Bird Sanctuary

Tamil Nadu



Udhayamarthandapuram Bird Sanctuary

Tamil Nadu



Vellode Bird Sanctuary

Tamil Nadu



Vembannur Wetland Complex

Tamil Nadu



Gulf of Mannar Marine Biosphere Reserve

Tamil Nadu



Koonthankulam Bird Sanctuary

Tamil Nadu



Pichavaram Mangrove

Tamil Nadu



Pallikaranai Marsh Reserve Forest

Tamil Nadu



Karikili Bird Sanctuary

Tamil Nadu



Vedanthangal Bird Sanctuary

Tamil Nadu



Chitrangudi Bird Sanctuary

Tamil Nadu



Suchindram Theroor Wetland Complex

Tamil Nadu



Vaduvur Bird Sanctuary

Tamil Nadu



Kanjirankulam Bird Sanctuary

Tamil Nadu



Nawabganj Bird Sanctuary

Uttar Pradesh



Parvati Agra Bird Sanctuary

Uttar Pradesh



Saman Bird Sanctuary

Uttar Pradesh



Samaspur Bird Sanctuary

Uttar Pradesh



Sandi Bird Sanctuary

Uttar Pradesh



Sarsai Nawar Jheel

Uttar Pradesh



Sur Sarovar

Uttar Pradesh



Upper Ganga River

Uttar Pradesh



Haiderpur Wetland

Uttar Pradesh



Bakhira Wildlife Sanctuary

Uttar Pradesh



Bhoj Wetlands

Madhya Pradesh



Sakhya Sagar

Madhya Pradesh



Sirpur wetland

Madhya Pradesh



Yashwant Sagar

Madhya Pradesh



Bhitarkanika Mangroves




Chilka Lake




Satkosia Gorge




Tampara Lake




Hirakud Reservoir




Ansupa Lake




Hokera Wetland

Jammu and Kashmir



Surinsar-Mansar Lakes

Jammu and Kashmir



Wular Lake

Jammu and Kashmir



Hygam Wetland Conservation Reserve

Jammu and Kashmir



Shallbugh Wetland Conservation Reserve

Jammu and Kashmir



Beas Conservation Reserve




Harike Lake




Nangal Wildlife Sanctuary




Keshopur-Miani Community Reserve




Ropar Lake




Kanjli Lake




Ranganathituu BS




Lonar Lake




Nandur Madhameshwar




Thane Creek




Keoladeo Ghana NP




Sambhar Lake




Deepor Beel




Chandertal Wetland

Himachal Pradesh



Pong Dam Lake

Himachal Pradesh



Renuka Wetland

Himachal Pradesh



East Kolkata Wetlands

West Bengal



Sundarbans Wetland

West Bengal



Nalsarovar Bird Sanctuary




Thol Lake Wildlife Sanctuary




Vadhvana Wetland




Khijadia Wildlife Sanctuary




Ashtamudi Wetland




Sasthamkotta Lake




Vembanad Wetland




Tso Kar Wetland




Tsomoriri Lake




Asan Conservation Reserve




Kabartal Wetland




Loktak Lake




Kolleru  Lake

Andhra Pradesh



Sultanpur National Park




Bhindawas Wildlife Sanctuary




Rudrasagar Lake




Pala wetland




Nanda Lake







Different dance forms of India with states PDF.


India is a land of diverse cultures and traditions, and one of the most unique aspects of Indian culture is its rich heritage of dance forms. From the graceful movements of Kathak to the energetic beats of Bhangra, Indian dances have captivated audiences around the world. In this blog post, we will explore some of the most famous dances of India, along with their origins, styles, and popular performers.


Famous Dances of India with a Table of States, Dance Names,



Dance Name

Andhra Pradesh


Arunachal Pradesh

Bardo Chham






Raut Nacha







Himachal Pradesh


Jammu and Kashmir








Madhya Pradesh







Nongkrem Dance


Cheraw Dance


Chang Lo









Tamil Nadu



Perini Shivatandavam


Garia Dance

Uttar Pradesh



Langvir Dance

West Bengal

Chhau Dance


Famous Dances of Indian States


Famous Indian dance forms


Each state of India has its own unique dance form that reflects the history and traditions of the region. From the classical dances of Bharatanatyam and Kathakali to the lively Bhangra and Garba, Indian dances are a celebration of life and culture. We hope this table has given you a better understanding of the diversity and richness of Indian dance forms.


  1. Kathak: Originating from Uttar Pradesh, Kathak is a classical dance form that tells stories through intricate footwork, graceful hand gestures, and rhythmic movements. One of the most popular performers of Kathak is Birju Maharaj, who has received numerous awards for his contributions to the art form.
  2. Ghoomar: Hailing from Rajasthan, Ghoomar is a traditional dance performed by women during special occasions like weddings and festivals. Jyothi D Tommaar is a famous ghoomar dancer who has performed at various national and international events.
  3. Garba: Popular in Gujarat, Garba is a vibrant and energetic dance form performed during the festival of Navratri. Falguni Pathak is a famous Garba singer and performer who has brought the dance form to a wider audience.
  4. Bhangra: Originating from Punjab, Bhangra is a lively dance form that celebrates the harvest season. Gurdas Maan is a well-known Bhangra singer and performer who has popularized the dance form in India and abroad.
  5. Bharatanatyam: Hailing from Tamil Nadu, Bharatanatyam is one of the oldest and most revered classical dance forms in India. Malavika Sarukkai is a renowned Bharatanatyam dancer who has received numerous accolades for her performances.
  6. Kathakali: Originating from Kerala, Kathakali is a traditional dance form that combines elements of dance, music, and drama. Shanta and V.P. Dhananjayan are a husband and wife duo who are widely recognized as some of the best Kathakali performers in India.
  7. Lavani: Popular in Maharashtra, Lavani is a dance form that celebrates life, love, and sensuality. Sulochana Chavan is a well-known Lavani dancer and singer who has performed in various films and stage shows.
  8. Bihu: Hailing from Assam, Bihu is a folk dance performed during the festival of Bihu. Zubeen Garg is a famous Bihu singer and performer who has popularized the dance form among younger audiences.


In conclusion, India’s rich and diverse cultural heritage is reflected in its numerous dance forms, each with its unique style, history, and performers. From classical dances to folk dances, these art forms have been passed down from generation to generation, and continue to inspire and entertain people around the world. We hope you


Classical dance forms of India


India is a culturally rich country with a diverse range of dance forms. Here are 9 classical dance forms of India :


  1. Bharatanatyam: Originating in Tamil Nadu, Bharatanatyam is one of the oldest classical dance forms of India. It is known for its intricate footwork, expressive gestures, and elaborate costumes.
  2. Kathak: Kathak is a classical dance form that originated in Northern India. It combines storytelling, rhythmic footwork, and graceful movements. It is characterized by its use of fast spins and intricate footwork.
  3. Odissi: Odissi is a classical dance form from the state of Odisha. It is known for its fluid movements, delicate expressions, and sculpturesque poses. Odissi often depicts mythological stories and devotional themes.
  4. Kathakali: Kathakali is a traditional dance-drama form from Kerala. It involves elaborate makeup, colorful costumes, and exaggerated facial expressions. Kathakali dancers use highly stylized gestures and movements to portray characters from mythology and epics.
  5. Manipuri: Manipuri is a classical dance form from Manipur, a state in Northeast India. It combines graceful movements, intricate hand gestures, and soft footwork. Manipuri dance often depicts themes from the Radha-Krishna love story.
  6. Mohiniyattam: Mohiniyattam is a classical dance form from Kerala, predominantly performed by women. It is characterized by slow, graceful movements, subtle expressions, and gentle swaying motions. Mohiniyattam often explores themes of love and devotion.
  7. Sattriya: Sattriya is a classical dance form from Assam, practiced by the monks in the monasteries. It combines elements of dance, drama, and music. Sattriya dance is known for its fluid movements, rhythmic footwork, and storytelling.
  8. Kuchipudi: Kuchipudi is a classical dance form from the state of Andhra Pradesh. It incorporates fast footwork, graceful movements, and expressions. Kuchipudi performances often include both dance and dialogue.
  9. Chhau: Chhau is a traditional dance form practiced in the states of West Bengal, Jharkhand, and Odisha. It combines martial arts, acrobatics, and dance. Chhau performances feature vibrant masks, energetic movements, and powerful expressions.


These are just a few examples of the diverse dance forms found in India. Each dance form has its own unique style, techniques, and cultural significance, representing the rich heritage and traditions of the country.


dances of India state wise


Here is a list of dance forms of India categorized state-wise:


Andhra Pradesh:


  • Kuchipudi


Arunachal Pradesh:


  • Bardo Chham
  • Ponung




  • Sattriya




  • Jat-Jatin




  • Panthi




  • Fugdi
  • Dhalo




  • Garba
  • Dandiya Raas




  • Nautanki
  • Phag Dance


Himachal Pradesh:


  • Nati
  • Kullu Naati


Jammu and Kashmir:


  • ROUF




  • Chhau




  • Yakshagana
  • Dollu Kunitha




  • Kathakali
  • Mohiniyattam


Madhya Pradesh:


  • Gaur Dance
  • Matki Dance




  • Lavani
  • Koli




  • Manipuri




  • Nongkrem Dance
  • Wangala Dance




  • Cheraw
  • Chailam




  • Zeliang
  • War Dance




  • Odissi
  • Gotipua




  • Bhangra
  • Giddha




  • Ghoomar
  • Kalbelia




  • Maruni


Tamil Nadu:


  • Bharatanatyam




  • Perini Shivatandavam




  • Hojagiri


Uttar Pradesh:


  • Kathak




  • Langvir Nritya


West Bengal:


  • Kathakali
  • Chhau




One Word Substitution


  1. अण्डे से जन्म लेने वाला-  अण्डज
  2. अपने देश से दूसरे देश में सामान जाना-  निर्यात
  3. दूसरे देश से अपने देश में सामान आना- आयात
  4. अपनी हत्या स्वयं करना- आत्महत्या
  5. अवसर के अनुसार बदल जाने वाला- अवसरवादी
  6. आज्ञा का पालन करने वाला- आज्ञाकारी
  7. आँखों के सामने- प्रत्यक्ष
  8. आँखों से परे- परोक्ष
  9. अचानक हो जाने वाला- आकस्मिक
  10. आवश्यकता से अधिक वर्षा- अतिवृष्टि
  11. अपने परिवार के साथ- सपरिवार
  12. अभिनय करने वाला पुरुष- अभिनेता
  13. अभिनय करने वाली स्त्री- अभिनेत्री
  14. अपने कर्तव्य का निर्णय न कर सकने वाला- किंकर्तव्यविमूढ़
  15. अनुचित या बुरा आचरण करने वाला-  दुराचारी
  16. अपना हित चाहने वाला-  स्वार्थी
  17. अपनी इच्छा से दूसरों की सेवा करने वाला-  स्वयंसेवक
  18. अपने देश से प्यार करने वाला-  देशभक्त
  19. अपने देश के साथ विश्वासघात करने वाला-  देशद्रोही
  20. अविवाहित लड़की- कुमारी
  21. अधः (नीचे) लिखा हुआ- अधोलिखित
  22. ऊपर कहा हुआ- उपर्युक्त
  23. आठ पदवाला- अष्टपदी
  24. ईश्वर में आस्था रखने वाला-  आस्तिक
  25. ईश्वर पर विश्वास न रखने वाला-  नास्तिक
  26. इतिहास को जानने वाला-  इतिहासज्ञ
  27. उच्च न्यायालय का न्यायाधीश-  न्यायमूर्ति
  28. उपकार के प्रति किया गया उपकार-  प्रत्युपकार
  29. एक स्थान से दूसरे स्थान को हटाया हुआ-  स्थानान्तरित
  30. एक भाषा की लिखी हुई बात को दूसरी भाषा में लिखना या कहना-  अनुवाद
  31. एक व्यक्ति द्वारा चलायी जाने वाली शासन प्रणाली-  तानाशाही
  32. एक राजनीतिक दल को छोड़कर दूसरे दल में शामिल होने वाला-  दलबदलू
  33. एक महीने में होने वाला-  मासिक
  34. एक सप्ताह में होने वाला-  साप्ताहिक
  35. कम जानने वाला-  अल्पज्ञ
  36. कम बोलनेवाला-  मितभाषी
  37. कम अक्लवाला-  अल्पबुद्धि
  38. किसी बात को बढ़ा-चढ़ाकर कहना-  अतिशयोक्ति
  39. किसी कार्यालय या विभाग का वह अधिकारी जो अपने अधीन कार्य करने वाले कर्मचारियों की निगरानी रखे-  अधीक्षक
  40. किसी कार्य को बार-बार करना-  अभ्यास
  41. किसी प्राणी को न मारना-  अहिंसा
  42. किसी के बाद उसकी संपत्ति प्राप्त करने वाला-  उत्तराधिकारी
  43. किसी के इर्द-गिर्द घेरा डालने की क्रिया-  घेराबन्दी
  44. किसी को सावधान करने के लिए कही जाने वाली बात-  चेतावनी
  45. कुछ जानने या ज्ञान प्राप्त करने की चाह-  जिज्ञासा
  46. किराए पर चलनेवाली मोटर गाड़ी-  टैक्सी
  47. कोई काम या पद छोड़ देने के लिये लिखा गया पत्र-  त्यागपत्र
  48. चारों ओर जल से घिरा हुआ भू-भाग-  टापू
  49. जो अपने लाभ या स्वार्थ का ध्यान न रखता हो-  निःस्वार्थी
  50. जिसका जन्म अनु (बाद में ) हुआ हो-  अनुज

વર્ષ અને  સત્યાગ્રહ

ઇ.સ 1907 ---સુરતમાાં કોંગ્રેસનુાં અધિવેશન
ઇ.સ 1909--- અમદાવાદ ખાતે કલોર્ષ તથા મમન્ટો પર બોંબ ફેકવામાાં આવ્યા હતા.
25 મે 1915 --સત્યાગ્રહ આશ્રમની સ્થાપના
ઇ.સ 1916 ---પ્રજા માંર્ળની સ્થાપના
ઇ.સ 1917 ---ગોધરા પરિષદ
ઇ.સ 1918---અમદાવાદ મમલ મજૂર આાંદોલન
ઇ.સ 1918-- ખેડા સત્યાગ્રહ
ઇ.સ 1919---- અસહકારની ચળવળ
ઇ.સ 1919 ---કાઠીયાવાડ હિતવર્ધક સભાની સ્થાપના
ઇ.સ 1921 ---કાઠીયાવાડ રાજકીય પરિષદ સ્થાપના
ડીસેમ્બર 1921 --કોંગ્રેસનુ અમદાવાદ અધિવેશન
ઇ.સ 1921 ---સરધાર સત્યાગ્રહ
ઇ.સ 1923--- નાગપૂર ઝાંર્ા સત્યાગ્રહ
ઇ.સ 1923-- બોરસદ સત્યાગ્રહ
ઇ.સ 1924 ---ભાવનગરમાાં પ્રજા પમરર્દની સ્થાપના
ઇ.સ 1927-28 ---બારડોલી સત્યાગ્રહ
ઇ.સ 1929 ---રાનીપરજ પમરર્દ
ઇ.સ 1929--- ખાખરેચી સત્યાગ્રહ
ઇ.સ 1930--- સધવનય કાનૂની ભાંગની ચળવળ
ઇ.સ 1930 ---દાંડી યાત્રા
ઇ.સ 1930-31 ---બરવાળા સત્યાગ્રહ
ઇ.સ 1931 ----ધ્રોળ સત્યાગહ
ઇ.સ 1937 ----ઝાાંઝીબારનો પ્રશ્ન

ઇ.સ 1937 ---માણસા સત્યાગ્રહ
ઇ.સ 1939 ---રાજકોટ સત્યાગ્રહ
24 ડીસેમ્બર ---1938 લીંબર્ી પ્રજા માંર્ળની સ્થાપના
14 મે1939 ---ભાવનગરમાાં સરદાર પટેલ પર હુમલો
ઇ.સ 1938--- કોંગ્રેસનુાં હરીપુરા અધિવેશન (મજલ્લો : સુરત)
1 નવેમ્બર 1947---- આરઝી હકૂમતે જુનાગઢને સ્વતાંત્ર જાહેર કયુું.
15 ફેબ્રુઆરી 1948 ---સૌરાષ્ટ્રનુ એકીકરણ
4 મે 1948 ----કચ્છના મહારાવ ભારતસાંઘમાાં જોર્ાયા
ઇ.સ 1951 ----મહા ગુજરાત સીમા સમમધતની રચના
1 મે 1960--- ગુજરાતની સ્થાપના
1 મે 1960 ---ડાંગને ગુજરાત સાથે જોર્ાયુાં
ઇ.સ 1973-74 ---નવ નિર્માણ આાંદોલન
ઇ.સ 1980--- અનામત આાંદોલન અમદાવાદ

(Table of Contents)


  • અમદાવાદ ગુજરાત રાજ્યનું સૌથી મોટું શહેર છે.
  • ભારતમાં 74.86 લાખ (7.4 મિલિયન) ની વસ્તી સાથે ભારતમાં 7મું સૌથી મોટું શહેર છે.
  • અમદાવાદ સાબરમતી નદીના કાંઠે આવેલું છે.
  • અમદાવાદ 1960 થી 1970 સુધી ગુજરાતની રાજધાની હતી, ત્યારબાદ પાટનગર ગાંધીનગર ને બનાવવામાં આવ્યું.
  • 20 મી સદીના પ્રથમ ભાગમાં અમદાવાદ ભારતની સ્વતંત્રતા ચળવળમાં મોખરે હતું.
  • કામદારોના અધિકાર, નાગરિક અધિકારો અને રાજકીય સ્વતંત્રતાને પ્રોત્સાહિત કરવા માટે ઘણી ઝુંબેશોનું કેન્દ્ર હતું.
  • મહાત્મા ગાંધીએ સાબરમતી નદીની કાંઠે ગાંધી આશ્રમની સ્થાપના કરી હતી અને અમદાવાદને તેમની “કર્મભૂમિ” તરીકે પસંદ કર્યુ હતું.


અમદાવાદજિલ્લાવિશેસંપૂર્ણમાહિતી-સ્પર્ધાત્મકપરીક્ષામાટેMOST IMP


1 મે 1960

મુખ્ય મથક




ગામડાની સંખ્યા



74.86 લાખમાં (2011 વસ્તી ગણતરી પ્રમાણે)

કુલ વિસ્તાર

8087 ચોરસ કિ.મી

લોકસભા બેઠક સંખ્યા


વિધાનસભા બેઠક સંખ્યા




પુરુષ સાક્ષરતા


સ્ત્રી સાક્ષરતા


કુલ સાક્ષરતા


જાતિ પ્રમાણ


વસ્તી ગીચતા
(1 ચો.કીમી દીઠ વ્યક્તિઓ)


Ahmedabad District – Ahmedabad Jillo – અમદાવાદ જિલ્લો


અમદાવાદ નો ઇતિહાસ

  • અમદાવાદ શહેરની સ્થાપના 1411 માં ગુજરાતના સુલ્તાનની રાજધાની તરીકે કરવામાં આવી હતી.
  • અમદાવાદનુ નામ સુલ્તાન અહમદ શાહ પરથી રાખવમા આવ્યુ હતું.
  • બ્રિટીશ શાસન હેઠળ લશ્કરી કેન્ટોનમેન્ટની સ્થાપના કરવામાં આવી હતી અને શહેરના માળખાને આધુનિક બનાવવામાં અને વિસ્તૃત કરવામાં આવ્યું હતું.
  • ભારતમાં બ્રિટીશ નિયમો દરમિયાન તે બોમ્બે પ્રેસિડેન્સીનો ભાગ હતો.

Ahmedabad district taluka list






અમદાવાદ સીટી



















Taluka of ahmedabad district



Ahmedabad assembly seats – વિધાનસભા બેઠક સંખ્યા


વિધાનસભા બેઠક


વિધાનસભા બેઠક











































Ahmedabad assembly seats – વિધાનસભા બેઠક સંખ્યા

અમદાવાદ જિલ્લાની સરહદ

  • ઉત્તરમાં મહેસાણા અને ગાંધીનગર જિલ્લો
  • પૂર્વમાં ખેડા અને આણંદ જીલ્લો
  • દક્ષિણમાં ભાવનગર અને બોટાદ જીલ્લો, ખંભાતનો અખાત
  • પશ્ચિમમાં સુરેન્દ્રનગર જિલ્લો

અમદાવાદ જિલ્લામાં નદીઓ

  1. સાબરમતી
  2. સુખભાદર
  3. ખારી
  4. ભોગવો
  5. મેશ્વો

અમદાવાદના ડેરી ઉદ્યોગ

  1. આબાદ ડેરી
  2. ઉત્તમ ડેરી
  3. આઝાદ ડેરી
  4. અજોડ ડેરી

અમદાવાદના બંદરો

  • ધોલેરા બંદર (તાલુકો ધોલેરા)
  • વિઠ્ઠલ બંદર (તાલુકો ધોલેરા)

અમદાવાદ જિલ્લામાંથી પસાર થતાં રાષ્ટ્રીય ધોરીમાર્ગ

  • રાષ્ટ્રીય ધોરીમાર્ગ નંબર 47
  • રાષ્ટ્રીય ધોરીમાર્ગ નંબર 48
  • રાષ્ટ્રીય ધોરીમાર્ગ નંબર 147

અમદાવાદમાં એરપોર્ટ(હવાઈમથક) અને રેલ્વે સ્ટેશન

  • અમદાવાદમાં સરદાર વલ્લભભાઈ પટેલ આંતરરાષ્ટ્રીય હવાઈ મથક આવેલું છે.
  • અમદાવાદમાં કાલુપુર, મણિનગર અને સાબરમતી રેલ્વે સ્ટેશન મોટા છે.

અમદાવાદનાં 12 દરવાજા


દિલ્હી દરવાજા


રાયપુર દરવાજા


કાલુપુર દરવાજા


શાહપુર દરવાજા


સારંગપુર દરવાજા


ત્રણ દરવાજા /ભદ્ર દરવાજા


પાંચકુવા દરવાજા


ખાન જહાં દરવાજા


દરીયાપુર દરવાજા


જમાલપુર દરવાજા


આસ્ટોડિયા દરવાજા


પ્રેમ દરવાજા

અમદાવાદનાં 12 દરવાજા

અમદાવાદના ઐતિહાસિક સ્થળો

Sabarmati Ashram | અમદાવાદના ઐતિહાસિક સ્થળો



જુલતા મિનારા

કાકરીયા તળાવ

સરખેજ રોજા

હઠીસિંહનાં દેરા

જામા મસ્જિદ

કોચરબ આશ્રમ

સીદી સૈયદની જાળી

સાબરમતી આશ્રમ

મોતી મહેલ

દાદા હરિની વાવ

ગાયકવાડ હવેલી

ભદ્રનો કિલ્લો

રાણીનો હજીરો

જગન્નાથ મંદિર

રાણી સિપ્રીની મસ્જિદ

કેલિકો મ્યુઝિયમ ઓફ ટેક્સટાઇલ

એલિસ બ્રિજ

ઓટો વર્લ્ડ વિન્ટેજ કાર મ્યુઝિયમ

ગુજરાત સાયન્સ સિટી

અડાલજ વાવ

ભદ્રકાળી મંદિર

ગીતા મંદિર

માનવ મંદિર

ઇસ્કોન મંદિર

યોગેશ્વર મંદિર

સરદાર પટેલ મ્યુઝિયમ


  • ગુજરાતમાં નાની મોટી મળીને કુલ 185 નદીઓ ની સંખ્યા છે.
  • ભૌગોલિક પરિસ્થિતિને આધારે ગુજરાતની નદીઓને નીચેના 3 ભાગમાં વહેંચવામાં આવી છે.
1 તળ ગુજરાતની નદીઓ કુલ 17 નદી વધુ પાણી
2 સૌરાષ્ટ્રની નદીઓ કુલ 71 નદી મધ્યમ પાણી
3 કચ્છની નદીઓ કુલ 97 નદી ઓછું પાણી

કચ્છની નદીઓ વિશે માહિતી (Rivers of KUTCH)

કચ્છની મોટાભાગની નદીઓ મધ્ય ધાર ના ડુંગરમાંથી નીકળી ને ઉત્તર દિશામાં કે દક્ષિણ દિશામાં વહેતી જોવા મળે છે જેને આધારે તેને બે ભાગમાં વહેંચી શકાય છે.

1) ઉત્તર વાહિની
(કચ્છના મોટા રણ ને મળનારી)
2) દક્ષિણી વાહિની
(કચ્છના અખાતને મળતી)
ભૂખી, કાળી, સુવી, માલણ, નારા, ખારી, ધુરુંડ, કાયલો, સારણ, કનકાવતી, રુક્માવતી, નાગમતી, લાકડીયા, ભુખી, રાખડી, ખારોડ, સાઈ, સાંગ

સૌરાષ્ટ્રની નદીઓ વિશે માહિતી (ગુજરાતનું નદીતંત્ર)

પશ્ચિમ તરફ વહેતી
કચ્છના અખાતને મળનારી નદીઓ
આજી, સિંહણ, ઉડ નાગમતી, રંગમતી, ફુલઝર, ઘી અને ગોમતી
પૂર્વ તરફ વહેતી
ખંભાતના અખાતને મળતી નદીઓ
શેત્રુંજય, કાળુભાર, ઘેલો, ભોગાવો
દક્ષિણ તરફ વહેતી
અરબ સાગર ને મળતી નદીઓ
સની, સરસ્વતી, કપિલા, હિરણ, શીગરવો
સૌરાષ્ટ્રની નદીઓ

તળ ગુજરાતની નદીઓ વિશે માહિતી (Gujarat RIVERS)

ઉત્તર ગુજરાતની
મધ્ય ગુજરાતની
દક્ષિણ ગુજરાતની

ગુજરાતની નદીઓ અને બંધો 


No. નદી ઉદગમ સ્થાન અંત ડેમ ???? નદીની લંબાઈ (કિમી) નદી કિનારે વસેલા નગરો વિશેષતા
1 સાબરમતી ઉદેપુર પાસેના, વેકરીયા પાસેના ઢેબર સરોવર માંથી, રાજસ્થાન વડગામ પાસે ખંભાતના અખાતમાં *ધરોઈ ડેમ (સતલાસણા-મહેસાણા),
*વાસણા બેરેજ-અમદાવાદ,
*માતરવાડી ડેમ, પાટણ
321 મહુડી, ગાંધીનગર, અમદાવાદ ગુજરાતની સૌથી લાંબી નદી
2 નર્મદા મેકલ પર્વતમાળાના અમરકંટક માંથી, મધ્યપ્રદેશ ભરૂચ પાસે ખંભાતના અખાતમાં અલિયાબેટ પાસે *સરદાર સરોવર, નર્મદા
*ભાડભૂત ડેમ, ભરૂચ
1312 (ગુજરાતમાં આશરે 160 કિમી) ભરૂચ, ઝઘડીયા, શુકલતીર્થ, ચાંદોદ *ગુજરાતની જળ જથ્થાની દૃષ્ટિએ સૌથી મોટી નદી
3 મહી મધ્યપ્રદેશના મેહદ સરોવરમાંથી વ્હોરાની ખાડી ખંભાતનો અખાત, આણંદ *કડાણા, મહીસાગર
*વણાકબોરી, બાલાસિનોર
500 (ગુજરાતમાં આશરે 180 કિમી) વાસદ, ખાનપુર *મધ્ય ગુજરાતની સૌથી મોટી નદી છે.
*કર્કવૃત બે વાર ઓળંગે છે.
4 તાપી મધ્યપ્રદેશ બેતુલ જિલ્લાના મહાદેવની ટેકરીમાંથી સુરત પાસે ડુમસ નજીક અરબ સાગરમાં *ઉકાઈ (તાપી),
*કાકરાપાર (માંડવી, સુરત)
324 (ગુજરાતમાં આશરે 224 કિમી) સુરત, ઉકાઈ, માંડવી, કુકરમુંડા *સૂર્યપુત્રી તરીકે ઓળખાય છે.
5 બનાસ રાજસ્થાનના રાજસમંદમાં કુંભલગઢ નજીક અરવલ્લી પર્વતમાળાની ખમનોર ટેકરીઓમાંથી  કચ્છના નાના રણમાં સમાઇ જાય છે. દાંતીવાડા, બનાસકાંઠા 270 ડીસા, દાંતીવાડા, કાંકરેજ, સાતલપુર *ઉત્તર ગુજરાતની સૌથી મોટી નદી
*ગુજરાતની સૌથી મોટી કુંવારીકા નદી 
6 ભાદર જસદણની પૂર્વમાં આવેલા મદાવા ડુંગર માંથી નવી બંદર પાસે અરબ સાગરમાં *લીલાખા બંધ (ભાદર-1, ગોંડલ રાજકોટ)
*ભાદર-2, ધોરાજી
194 જસદણ, ધોરાજી, ઉપલેટા, જેતપુર, આટકોટ,કુતિયાણા *સૌરાષ્ટ્રની સૌથી મોટી અને લાંબી નદી
7 શેત્રુંજી ગિરના ઢુંઢીના ડુંગર માંથી સુલતાનપુર પાસે ખંભાતના અખાતમાં *રાજસ્થળી ડેમ, ભાવનગર
*ખોડિયાર ડેમ, અમરેલી
160 ધારી, પાલીતાણા *સૌરાષ્ટ્રની 2 નંબરની સૌથી મહત્વની નદી  
8 કાળુભાર અમરેલી જિલ્લાના રાયપુરના ડુંગરમાંથી ખંભાતના અખાતમાં *કાળુભાર બંધ, ગઢડા 95  
9 વિશ્વામિત્રી પાવાગઢના ડુંગર માંથી કરજણ તાલુકાના પીંગલવાડા પાસે ઢાઢર નદીને મળે છે *સયાજી સરોવર
*આજવા ડેમ, આજવા
110 વડોદરા, ખાનપુર *મગરોની નદી તરીકે ઓળખવામાં આવે છે.
10 મચ્છુ આનંદપુરા ના ઉચ્ચ પ્રદેશ ભડલાના ડુંગરમાંથી કચ્છના નાના રણમાં *મચ્છુ-1 (વાકાનેર,મોરબી)
*મચ્છુ-2 (મોરબી)
*મચ્છુ-3 (મોરબી)
110 મોરબી, વાંકાનેર, માળીયા કચ્છના નાના રણમાં મળતી સૌરાષ્ટ્રની સૌથી મોટી અને કુંવારીકા નદી
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No. નદી ઉદગમ સ્થાન અંત ડેમ???? નદીની લંબાઈ (કિમી) નદી કિનારે વસેલા નગરો વિશેષતા
11 આજી સરધારા પાસેના ડુંગરમાંથી કચ્છના અખાતમાં *આજી-1,રાજકોટ
102 રાજકોટ  
12 વઢવાણ ભોગાવો નવા ગામના ચોટીલાના ડુંગરો માંથી સાબરમતી નદીને મળે છે *નાયકા (ગૌતમગઢ,મુળી)
101 વઢવાણ, સુરેન્દ્રનગર  
13 લીમડી ભોગાવો ચોટીલાના ભીમોરાના ડુંગરમાંથી સાબરમતી નદીને મળે છે *થોરીયાળી સુરેન્દ્રનગર, સાયલા 113 લીમડી, થોરીયાળી *સૌરાષ્ટ્રની એકમાત્ર નદી જે સાબરમતી ને મળે છે.
14 મેશ્વો રાજસ્થાનના ડુંગરપુર જિલ્લા માંથી મહેમદાવાદ તાલુકાના સમાદ્વા ગામ નજીક વાત્રક નદીને મળે છે *મેશ્વો (ભિલોડા, અરવલ્લી) શામળાજી  
15 વાત્રક રાજસ્થાનના ડુંગરપુર જિલ્લાના ડુંગરોમાંથી ધોળકાની દક્ષિણ પૂર્વે આવેલા વૌઠા પાસે સાબરમતીને મળે છે *વાત્રક યોજના (માલપુર, અરવલ્લી) ઉત્કંઠેશ્વર, ખેડા, માલપુર, અમદાવાદ  
16 સરસ્વતી બનાસકાંઠાના દાંતા તાલુકાના ચોરીના ડુંગરમાંથી કચ્છના નાના રણમાં *મુક્તેશ્વર (દાંતા, બનાસકાંઠા) 150 સિધ્ધપુર, પાટણ, દાતા, મુક્તેશ્વર *સૌથી પ્રાચીન અને કુંવારીકા નદી.
17 હાથમતી મહીકાંઠા ની ટેકરીઓમાંથી પ્રાંતિજ ની ઉત્તરે સાબરમતી નદીમાં ભળી જાય છે *હાથમતી (ભિલોડા, અરવલ્લી) હિંમતનગર, ભિલોડા  
18 શેઢી પંચમહાલ જિલ્લાની ધામોદ અને વરધારીની ટેકરીમાંથી ખેડા પાસે વાત્રક ને મળે છે 113 નડિયાદ  
19 ઢાઢર પાવાગઢ ડુંગર માંથી ખંભાતના અખાતમાં 142 ડભોઇ  
20 ખારી કચ્છના દક્ષિણ ધારના ચાવડાના ડુંગરમાંથી કચ્છના મોટા રણમાં *રુદ્રમાતા 48 ભુજ  
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Gujarat Rivers imp material



No. નદી ઉદગમ સ્થાન અંત ડેમ???? નદીની લંબાઈ (કિમી) નદી કિનારે વસેલા નગરો વિશેષતા
21 પૂર્ણા ડાંગના પીપળેર ના ડુંગરમાંથી અરબ સાગરમાં 80 નવસારી, મહુવા  
22 ઔરંગા ધરમપુરના ડુંગર માંથી અરબ સાગરમાં 97 વલસાડ  
23 ઘેલો ફુલઝર ગામ પાસે,જસદણના પર્વતમાંથી, રાજકોટ ખંભાતના અખાતમાં *ઈડરિયો ડેમ (બાબરા) 118 ગઢડા, વલભીપુર  
24 માઝમ શામળાજી નજીકની ટેકરીઓમાંથી દહેગામ તાલુકામાં વાત્રક નદીમાં મળી જાય છે *માઝમ (મોડાસા,અરવલ્લી) મોડાસા  
25 પુષ્પાવતી ઊંઝા તાલુકાના ડુંગરોમાંથી રૂપેણ માં સમાઈ જાય છે મોઢેરા, ઉનાવા  
26 સુખભાદર મદાવા ડુંગરોમાંથી ખંભાતના અખાતમાં *ભાડલા ડેમ (રાણપુર, બોટાદ) 112 રાણપુર,ધંધુકા,ધોલેરા  
27 પાનમ મહીકાંઠા ની ટેકરીમાંથી મહી નદીને મળે છે *પાનમ (સંતરામપુર,મહીસાગર) દેવગઢબારિયા  
28 કીમ રાજપીપળાની ટેકરીમાંથી અરબસાગર માં 112 કીમ, ઓલપાડ *ગુજરાતની સૌથી મોટી બે નદી નર્મદા અને તાપી ની વચ્ચે આવેલ નદી
29 રૂપેણ અરવલ્લીના ટૂંગા પર્વતમાંથી કચ્છના નાના રણમાં 156 મહેસાણા,પાટણ, વિસનગર, ખેરાલુ કુંવારીકા નદી
30 ઓજત ગીર ની ટેકરી માંથી નવી મંદિર પાસે ભાદરને મળે છે *અમીરપુરા ડેમ (કુતિયાણા) 125 નવીબંદર  
Gujarat ni Nadio | ગુજરાતની નદીઓ અને બંધો


No. નદી ઉદગમ સ્થાન અંત ડેમ???? નદીની લંબાઈ (કિમી) નદી કિનારે વસેલા નગરો વિશેષતા
31 અંબિકા સાપુતારાના ડુંગરોમાથી નીકળે છે અરબ સાગરમાં *મધર ઇન્ડિયા સિંચાઇ યોજના (મહુવા, સુરત) 136 બીલીમોરા, વાસંદા  
32 કોલક સાપુતારાની ટેકરીમાંથી અરબ સાગરમાં 50 ઉદવાડા *પરાસીઓનું કાશી તરીકે ઓળખાતું ઉદવાડા કોલક નદીના કિનારે આવેલું છે.
33 દમણગંગા સહ્યાદ્રીની ટેકરી (મહારાષ્ટ્ર) અરબ સાગરમાં *મધુબન ડેમ (દાદરાનગર હવેલી)
*દમણ ગંગા ડેમ (વાપી)
131 સેલવાસ,વાપી *દક્ષિણ ગુજરાતની છેલ્લી નદી
34 મીંઢોળા સોનગઢના ડોસવાડા નજીકથી અરબ સાગરમાં 105 બારડોલી, વ્યારા
35 ગોંડલી રાજકોટના કોટડાસાંગાણી પાસેથી ભાદર નદીને મળે છે ગોંડલ, કોટડાસાંગાણી
36 રુક્માવતી કચ્છ ના ભુજ તાલુકાના રામપર-વેકરા ગામમાંથી નીકળી કચ્છના અખાતને મળે છે વિજયસાગર બંધ  50 માંડવી
37 કનકાવતી કચ્છના ભીમપુર ગામ નજીકથી નીકળે છે કચ્છના અખાતને મળે છે કંકાવટી જળાશય યોજના, ખારુઆ 40
38 હીરણ ગીરના જંગલમાં આવેલી સાસણ ટેકરીઓમાં તાલાલા પાસે વિલિન થઇ જાય છે *કમલેશ્વર બંધ(હીરણ-1),
*ઉમરેઠી બંધ ‍(હીરણ-2)
40 તાલાલા

1. Who is the founder of Haryanka Dynasty?


A. Ajatashatru
B. Harshvardhan
C. Bimbisara
D. Ghananand


Answer: Option C
Explanation : Initially, the capital was Rajagriha. Later, it was shifted to Pataliputra, near the present-day Patna in India. The founder of this dynasty was Bimbisara himself. According to the Buddhist text, the Mahavamsa, Bimbisara was anointed king by his father at the age of fifteen.


2. The revolutionary like Ashfaqullah Khan, Chandra Shekhar Azad, Ram Prasad Bismil, Roshan Singh and Rajendra Lahiri were all associated with :

A. The Kakori Conspiracy case (1925)
B. 1857 Revolt
C. Chauri Chaura Case
D. The Jallianwala Bagh massacre


Answer: Option A
Explanation : The Kakori Conspiracy (or Kakori train robbery or Kakori Case) was a train robbery that took place between Kakori and, near Lucknow, on 9 August 1925 during the Indian Independence Movement against the British Indian Government. The robbery was organised by Hindustan Republican Association (HRA).

History MCQ Quiz Questions
MCQ Questions on Indian History MCQ Questions on Khalji Dynasty
MCQ Questions on Ancient History Art and Culture MCQ Questions on Lodi and Sayyid Dynasty
MCQ Questions on Deccan Dynasties and Sangam Dynasty MCQ Questions on Tughlaq Dynasty
MCQ Questions on Indus Valley Civilisation MCQ Questions on Maratha Empire
MCQ Questions on Jainism and Buddhism MCQ Questions on Sikh Empire
MCQ Questions on Mauryan Empire MCQ Questions on Mughal Empire
MCQ Questions on Magadha Empire MCQ Questions on 18th Century Revolts and Reform
MCQ Questions on Harshavardhana Empire MCQ Questions on British Rule in India
MCQ Questions on Vedic Age MCQ Questions on Modern Indian History
MCQ Questions on Medieval History Art and Culture MCQ Questions on Struggle for Independence of India
MCQ Questions on Bhakti Movement MCQ Questions on World History
MCQ Questions on Gulam Dynasty  

3. The Moplah Rebellion in 1921 in Malabar was Muslim Peasants Rabellion against :

A. Muslim Land Holders
B. The British Government Authority
C. The non-tribal outsiders
D. Hindu Land Holders


Answer: Option D
Explanation : Hindu Land Holders. The Malabar rebellion (also known as the Moplah rebellion and Māppila Lahaḷa in Malayalam) was an armed uprising in 1921 against British authority in the Malabar region of Southern India by Mappilas and the culmination of a series of Mappila revolts that recurred throughout the 19th century and early 20th century.


4. The Rowlatt Act was passed in :

A. 1905
B. 1913
C. 1919
D. 1925


Answer: Option C
Explanation : The Anarchical and Revolutionary Crimes Act of 1919 , popularly known as the Rowlatt Act or Black Act, was a legislative act passed by the Imperial Legislative Council in Delhi on 10 March 1919, indefinitely extending the emergency measures of preventive indefinite detention, incarceration without trial and judicial review enacted in the Defence of India Act 1915 during the First World War.

5. Mahatma Gandhi launched Kheda Satyagrah on Gujrat in 1918 to support the cause of :


A. Mill Owners
B. Land Lords
C. The peasants
D. Kol Rebellion


Answer: Option C
Explanation : The Kheda Satyagraha of 1918, in the Kheda district of Gujarat, India during the period of the British Raj, was a Satyagraha movement organized by Mohandas Gandhi. It was a major revolt in the Indian independence movement. It was the third Satyagraha movement after Champaran Satyagraha and Ahmedabad mill strike. Gandhi organised this movement to support peasants of the Kheda district. People of Kheda were unable to pay the high taxes levied by the British due to crop failure and a plague epidemic.

6. Two of the great Mughals wrote their own memories. They were
A. Babar and Humayun
B. Humayun and Jahangir
C. Babar and Jahangir
D. Jahangir and Shahjahan


Answer: Option C
Explanation : Babar and Jahangir were two of the great Mughals wrote their own memories.

7. What was the major cause of discontent among soldiers before the revolt of 1857?
A. The Religious Cause
B. Question of promotion and pay
C. Political Cause
D. None of these


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Question of promotion and pay was the major cause of discontent among soldiers before the revolt of 1857.

8. Lala Lajpat Rai was also known as :
A. Sher-e-Bengal
B. Sher-e-Maharastra
C. Sher-e-Kashmir
D. Sher-e-Punjab


Answer: Option D
Explanation : Lala Lajpat Rai was born on 28 January 1865 in Dhudike (now Moga district) of Punjab. He was popularly known as Punjab Kesari meaning The Lion of Punjab also known as Sher-E- Punjab in Punjabi for his contribution to the freedom movement.

9. To which king belongs the Lion capital at Sarnath?
A. Chandragupta
B. Ashoka
C. Kanishka
D. Harshavardhan


Answer: Option B
Explanation : The Lion Capital of Ashoka is a sculpture of four Asiatic lions standing back to back, on an elaborate base that includes other animals. A graphic representation of it was adopted as the official Emblem of India in 1950. It was originally placed on the top of the Ashoka pillar at the important Buddhist site of Sarnath by the Emperor Ashoka, in about 250 BCE. The pillar, sometimes called the Aśoka Column, is still in its original location, but the Lion Capital is now in the Sarnath Museum, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India.

10. The use of spinning wheel (,) became common during the
A. 9th Century AD
B. 10th Century AD
C. 12th Century AD
D. 14th Century AD


Answer: Option D
Explanation : The use of spinning wheel (Charkha) became common during the 14th Century AD.

11. Banga Darshan – a monthly magazine – was started in 1872 from Behrampur by:
A. Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar
B. Umakant desai
C. Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay
D. None of these


Answer: Option C
Explanation : Bangadarshan was a Bengali literary magazine, founded by Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay in 1872, and resuscitated in 1901 under the editorship of Rabindranath Tagore. The magazine had a defining influence on the emergence of a Bengali identity and the genesis of nationalism in Bengal.

12. Who said about the British Government these words – “You do not realize how strong the government is if the congress challenges the government the government would finish it in five minutes?
A. Jawahar Lal Nehru
B. Gopal Krishna Gokhale
C. Basant Kumar Biswas
D. Annie Besant


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Gopal Krishna Gokhale said about the British Government these words – “You do not realize how strong the government is if the congress challenges the government the government would finish it in five minutes”.

13. Sri Aurobindo Ghosh was born in the year :

A. 1872
B. 1982
C. 1884
D. 1892


Answer: Option A
Explanation : Aurobindo Ghose was born in India on 15th August 1872. At a young age, he was sent to England to be educated at St Paul’s. Sri Aurobindo was an excellent student and won a scholarship to read classics at King’s College Cambridge.

14. Doctrine of Passive Resistance was published in the daily Vande Mataram in:
A. April 1907
B. April 1906
C. April 1905
D. April 1904


Answer: Option A
Explanation : Doctrine of Passive Resistance was published in the daily Vande Mataram in April 1907 by Sri Aurobindo Ghosh.

15. The language of discourses of Gautama Buddha was
A. Bhojpuri
B. Magadhi
C. Pali
D. Sanskrit


Answer: Option C
Explanation : The language discourses of Gautam Buddha was Pali.

16. There were widespread risings against the British in the 1820s. Which one of the following did not revolt in the 1820s?
A. Santhals
B. Ahoms
C. Pagal Panthis
D. Ramosi


Answer: Option A
Explanation : There were widespread risings against the British in the 1820s. Santhals did not revolt in the 1820s.

17. Which revolutionary said – “freedom is objective of our life and the Hindu religion would led us to the attainment of this objective?”
A. Vinoba Bhave
B. Narayan Guru
C. Dayanand Sarshwati
D. Aurobindo Ghosh


Answer: Option D
Explanation : Aurobindo Ghosh said – “freedom is objective of our life and the Hindu religion would led us to the attainment of this objective”.

18. Who was the commander of 1857 revolt in Rohilkhand?
A. Ahmadullah
B. Begum Hazrat Mahal
C. Jung Bahadur Rana
D. Tatya Tope


Answer: Option A
Explanation : Ahmadullah Shah (1787 – 5 June 1858) famous as Maulavi of Faizabad, was a leader of the Indian Rebellion of 1857. Maulavi Ahmadullah Shah was known as the Lighthouse of Rebellion in Awadh region.

19. Who said “Curzon’s partition of Bengal gave unwitting initiative to events of such magnitude which returned many years later to port with the cargo of freedom”?
A. Syed Hasan Imam
B. Dr. S.Gopal
C. M.
D. Bharat Kumar


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Dr. S.Gopal said “Curzon’s partition of Bengal gave unwitting initiative to events of such magnitude which returned many years later to port with the cargo of freedom”.

20. The Hindu Dharma Sangrakshini Sabha was formed in :
A. 1872
B. 1883
C. 1886
D. 1893


Answer: Option D
Explanation : 1893.

21. The East India Association was set up in :

A. 1866
B. 1857
C. 1836
D. 1885


Answer: Option A
Explanation : The East India Association was founded by Dadabhai Naoroji in 1866, in collaboration with Indians and retired British officials in London. It superseded the London Indian Society and was a platform for discussing matters and ideas about India, and to provide representation for Indians to the Government.

22. Who established the Hindu Dharma Sangrakshini Sabha in the year 1893 by :

A. Bal Gangadhar Tilak
B. Raja Ram Mohan Rai
C. Dyanand Sarshawati
D. Damodar and Balkrishana Chapekar


Answer: Option D
Explanation : Two Brothers- Damodar and Balkrishna Chapekar began the process of revolutionary activities in India. They formed the ‘Hindu Dharma Sangrakshini Sabha’ in 1893 and started celebrating the birthday of Shivaji and Ganesh Utsavs.

23. Bande Matram was a series of articles published in the year 1907 by :

A. Bal Gangadhar Tilak
B. Sri Aurobindo Ghosh
C. Domadar Chapekar
D. Balkrishana Chapekar


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Vande Matram was a series of articles published in the year 1907 by Sri Auronbindo Ghosh.

24. Who called Subhash Chandra Bose as Desh Nayak ?

A. Lala Lajpat Rai
B. Rabindranath Tagore
C. Mahatma Gandhi
D. Bal Gangadhar Tilak


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Rabindranath Tagore called Subhash Chandra Bose as Desh Nayak.

25. Who founded Anushulin Samiti in 1907 in Dhaka?

A. Shambhuchand Mukherjee
B. Kali Mohan Das
C. Barindra Ghosh and Bhupendra Nath Dutt
D. Jogesh Chandra Dutt E. Pulin Behari Das


Answer: Option E
Explanation : Dhaka Anushilan Samiti was a branch of the Anushilan Samiti founded in the city of Dhaka in November 1905. Initially a group of eighty under the leadership of Pulin Behari Das, it “spread like wildfire” throughout the province of East Bengal. More than 500 branches were opened, linked by a “close and detailed organization” to Palin’s headquarters at Dhaka. It absorbed smaller groups in the province and soon overshadowed its parent organization in Calcutta. Source : wikipedia.org

26. Who was admired as tempestuous Hindu in 1893 in the World Parliament of Religious in Chicago ?

A. Swami Dyanand Sarshawati
B. Rabindra Nath Tagore
C. Gautam Budha
D. Swami Vivekanand


Answer: Option D
Explanation : Swami Vivekananda represented India and Hinduism at the Parliament of the World’s Religions (1893). This was the first World’s Parliament of Religions and it was held from 11 to 27 September 1893.

27. Who were associated with Indian league established in 1875 in Calcutta (now Kolkata) ?

A. Sisir Kumar Ghosh and Arvindo Ghosh
B. Kali Mohan Das and Arvindo Ghosh
C. Sisir Kumar Ghosh and Sambhu Charan Mukherjee
D. None of these


Answer: Option C
Explanation : Sisir Kumar Ghosh and Sambhu Charan Mukherjee were associated with Indian league established in 1875 in Calcutta.

28. The prominent leaders of Indian Association which was established in Bengal in July 26, 1876 were :

A. Anand Mohan Bose and Surendranath Banerjee
B. Sisir Kumar Ghosh and Kali Mohan Das
C. Kali Mohan Das and Shambhuchand Mukherjee
D. Shambhuchand Mukherjee and Jogesh Chandra Dutt


Answer: Option A
Explanation : The Reform Association faction on July 26, 1876 established a Bharat Sabha with Bengali leaders like Surendranath Banerjee, Sivanath Sastri, Ananda Mohan Bose etc. and held its first annual conference in Calcutta. Initially under Sen it was pro-Crown.

29. Sarojini Naidu was elected Congress President at :
A. Haripura 1938
B. Bombay 1934
C. Madras Session 1927
D. Kanpur Session 1925


Answer: Option D
Explanation : In 1925, Naidu presided over the annual session of Indian National Congress at Cawnpore (now Kanpur). In 1929, she presided over East African Indian Congress in South Africa. She was awarded the Kaisar-i-Hind Medal by the British government for her work during the plague epidemic in India.

30. In 1918 who founded Ahmedabad Textile Labour Association ?

A. Annie Besant
B. Bal Gangadhar Tilak
C. Mahatma Gandhi
D. Mohammad Ali Jinnah


Answer: Option C
Explanation : In the year 1918 father of the nation Mahatma Gandhi along with Anasuya Sarabhai and Shankerlal Banker founded the Ahmadabad textile labour association.

31. The third person who presented himself for individual Satyagrah launched by Mahatma Gandhi in October 1940 was:

A. Brahma Datt
B. Acharya Vinoba Bhave
C. Jawahar Lal Nehru
D. None of these


Answer: Option A
Explanation : The first Satyagrahi selected was Acharya Vinoba Bhave, who was sent to Jail when he spoke against the war. Second Satyagrahi was Jawahar Lal Nehru. Third was Brahma Datt, one of the inmates of the Gandhi’s Ashram.

32. Who called Government India Act 1935 a Charter of Slavery ?

A. Mahatma Gandhi
B. Subhash Chandra Bose
C. Sardar Ballabh Bhai Patel
D. Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru


Answer: Option D
Explanation : Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru called Government India Act 1935 a Charter of Slavery.

33. The Indian National Congress passed Quit India Resolution at :

A. Wardha Session 1942.
B. Bombay Session 1934
C. Tripuri Session 1939
D. Ramgarh Session 1940


Answer: Option A
Explanation : On 8 August 1942 at the All-India Congress Committee session in Bombay, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi launched the ‘Quit India’ movement. The next day, Gandhi, Nehru and many other leaders of the Indian National Congress were arrested by the British Government.

34. In 1942, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill sent :

A. Wavell Mission to India
B. Cripps Mission to India
C. Mount Mission to India
D. August Offer


Answer: Option B
Explanation : On 11 March 1942, Prime Minister Winston Churchill announced that Sir Stafford Cripps, a member of the British Cabinet, would be sent to India from 22 March to 11 April to work out a formula for India’s participation in the war and partial transfer of power acceptable to all three, the Hindu and Muslim parties in India as well as the British forces. His negotiating mandate was the “Draft Declaration”, a document on which the War Cabinet had agreed after along discussion laying out a middle ground acceptable to the British, including self-government after the war.

35. When Japan handed over Andaman Nicobar islands to Subhash Chandra Bose in Nov. 1943, he named these islands as :

A. Shaheed Island and Samaj Island respectively
B. Samaj Island and Swaraj Island respectively
C. Swaraj Island and Shaheed Island respectively
D. Shaheed Island and Swaraj Island respectively


Answer: Option D
Explanation : When Japan handed over Andaman Nicobar islands to Subhash Chandra Bose in Nov. 1943, he named these islands as Shaheed Island and Swaraj Island respectively.

36. Subhash Chandra Bose became the Supreme Commander of Indian National Army in :
A. 1932
B. 1935
C. 1943
D. 1945


Answer: Option C
Explanation : Subhash Chandra Bose became the Supreme Commander of Indian National Army in 1943. Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose was born on 23rd January in 1897. He was an Indian nationalist who form the Indian National Army to fight against British Government.

37. Wavell Plan- essentially dealing with Indian demand of self-rule and reconstitution of Viceroy’s Council was put forth by Lord Wavell in:

A. 1935
B. 1942
C. 1945
D. 1943


Answer: Option C
Explanation : Wavell Plan- essentially dealing with Indian demand of self-rule and reconstitution of Viceroy’s Council was put forth by Lord Wavell in 1945.

38. The demand officially made by the Congress for a Constituent Assembly to frame the Constitution of India was accepted in principal by the British government in what is known as :

A. Cripps Mission 1942
B. Government of India 1935
C. Independent India 1947
D. August Offer of 1940


Answer: Option D
Explanation : August Offer of 1940. Roy, a pioneer of the Communist movement in India and an advocate of radical democracy. It became an official demand of the Indian National Congress in 1935, C. Rajagopalachari voiced the demand for a Constituent Assembly on 15 November 1939 based on adult franchise, and was accepted by the British in August 1940.

39. Lord Mountbatten put forth the plan proposing the partition of India and the creation of Pakistan :

A. On May 3 1947
B. On June 3 1947
C. On July 3 1947
D. On August 3 1947


Answer: Option B
Explanation : On June 3, 1947, immediately after his return to India, Lord mountbatten announced his plan for solving the ‘present impasse’. Before the plan was publicized, Lord Mountbattan had obtained the consent of the Congress and Sikh leaders and also of Mr. M.A. Jinnah.

40. When quit India Resolution was passed in 1942, the Viceroy of India was :

A. Lord Linlithgow
B. Lord Wavell
C. Lord Willingdon
D. Lord Mountbatten


Answer: Option A
Explanation : Lord Linlithgow took his office on 18 April 1936 and leave on October 1, 1943. Cripps Mission visited India and Quit India resolution was passed in his tenure.

41. By which act of British India, was the Governor General empowered to issue ordinance ?

A. Indian Councils Act 1861
B. Charter Act of 1853
C. Government of India Act 1858
D. Indian Council Act 1892


Answer: Option A
Explanation : Indian Councils Act 1861. An Act to make better Provision for the Constitution of the Council of the Governor General of India, and for the Local Government of the several Presidencies and Provinces of India, and for the temporary Government of India in the event of a Vacancy in the Office of Governor General.

42. In 1915-16 the Home Rule League movement was launched under the leadership of :

A. Mohammad Ali Jinnah and G. S. Khaparde
B. G. S. Khaparde and Sir S. Subramania Iyer
C. Annie Besant and Bal Gangadhar Tilak
D. Sir S. Subramania Iyer and Mohammad Ali Jinnah


Answer: Option C
Explanation : Annie Besant started the Home Rule League in September, 1916, and Tilak started it in April 1916. Tilak’s movement was confined to Maharashtra and Karnataka. And Annie Besant movement spread to other parts of India.

43. In 1932, Poona Pact was signed between:

A. Gandhiji and Jawahar Lal Nehru
B. Gandhiji and Dr.
C. R. Ambedkar
D. Gandhiji and Md. Ali Jinnah


Answer: Option B
Explanation : The Poona Pact refers to an agreement between B. R. Ambedkar and Mahatma Gandhi on the reservation of electoral seats for the depressed classes in the legislature of British India government. It was made on 24 September 1932 at Yerwada Central Jail in Poona, India and was signed by Mahatma Gandhi, B.R Ambedkar and some other leaders as a means to end the fast that Gandhi was undertaking in jail as a protest against the decision by British prime minister Ramsay MacDonald to give separate electorates to depressed classes for the election of members of provincial legislative assemblies in British India. They finally agreed upon 148 electoral seats.

44. Indian Dyarchy was started by :

A. Indian Council Act 1861
B. Minto-Morley Reforms 1909
C. Indian Council Act 1992
D. Montague-Chelmsford Reforms 1919


Answer: Option D
Explanation : The Government of India act 1919 was passed on the basis of recommendations of Lord Chelmsford and Samuel Montagu to introduce self-governing institutions gradually to India. This act covered 10 years from 1919 to 1929.

45. Which movement was started by Mahatma Gandhi on March 12, 1930?

A. Khilafat movement
B. Noncooperation Co-operation
C. Civil Disobedience Movement
D. Quit India Movement


Answer: Option C
Explanation : On March 12, 1930, Indian independence leader Mohandas Gandhi begins a defiant march to the sea in protest of the British monopoly on salt, his boldest act of civil disobedience yet against British rule in India.

46. Who presided over the Karachi session of Indian National Congress in 1931 ?

A. Sarojani Naydu
B. Mahatma Gandhi
C. Subhash Chandra Bose
D. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel.


Answer: Option D
Explanation : The Karachi session was presided by Sardar Patel. The congress adopted a resolution on Fundamental Rights and Economic Policy which represented the Party’s Social, Economic and Political programme. It was later known as Karachi Resolution.

47. The congress nationalist party was formed to act as a powerful pressure group within the congress by:

A. Madan Mohan Malviya and Bal Gangadhar Tilak
B. Madan Mohan Malviya and M.S. Aney
C. Annie Besant and Bal Gangadhar Tilak
D. Annie Bessant and Md. Ali Jinha


Answer: Option B
Explanation : The congress nationalist party was formed to act as a powerful pressure group within the congress by Madan Mohan Malviya and M.S. Aney.

48. Rani Gaidinliu was a rebel leader against the Britishers from:

A. Manipur
B. Uttar Pardesh
C. Madhya Pradesh
D. Maharashtra


Answer: Option A
Explanation : Rani Gaidinliu (26 January 1915 – 17 February 1993) was a Rongmei Naga spiritual and political leader who led a revolt against British rule in India. The movement later turned into a political movement seeking to drive out the British from Manipur and the surrounding Naga areas.

49. An interim cabinet headed by Jawaharlal Nehru was formed by the congress in :

A. August 1940
B. August 1943
C. September 1946
D. September 1942


Answer: Option C
Explanation : The interim government of India was formed on September 2, 1946 from the newly elected Constituent Assembly.

50. The revolutionary who was associated with the Indian Independence League was :

A. Rash Behari Bose
B. Bhagat Singh
C. Rajguru
D. None of these


Answer: Option A
Explanation : Rash Behari Bose was an Indian revolutionary noted for his planning of the Delhi-Lahore conspiracy of 1912 to assassinate the then Viceroy Lord Hardinge, and his involvement in the Ghadr Conspiracy of 1915

51. In which session of the Indian National congress did the historic union of congress and Muslim League take place?

A. Tripuri Session in 1939
B. Lahore session in 1940
C. Meerut Session in 1946
D. Lucknow session in 1916


Answer: Option D
Explanation : Lucknow Pact, (December 1916), agreement made by the Indian National Congress headed by Maratha leader Bal Gangadhar Tilak and the All-India Muslim League led by Muhammad Ali Jinnah; it was adopted by the Congress at its Lucknow session on December 29 and by the league on Dec. 31, 1916.

52. The Muslim League demanded a separate homeland for Indian Muslims for the first time at its :

A. Lahore session in 1940.
B. Lucknow session in 1916
C. Meerut Session 1946
D. Tripuri Session in 1939



53. Indian War of independence 1857 was written by :

A. Lala Lajpat Rai
B. Jawahar Lal Neharu
C. Damodar Chapekar
D. Savarkar



54. Which revolutionary was sentenced to death on August 17, 1909?

A. Rash Bihari Bose
B. Bhagat Singh
C. Chandra Sekhar Ajad
D. Madanlal Dhingra



55. Under the Government of India act 1935 it was decided to establish a federation consisting of :

A. Governor’s provinces
B. Princely states
C. Governor’s provinces and princely states
D. None of these



56. Who called Government of India Act 1935 as thoroughly rotten, fundamentally bad and totally unacceptable?

A. Subhash Chandra Bose
B. Mohammad Ali Jinnah
C. Mahatma Gandhi
D. Balkrishana Chapekar



57. Who founded Tattvabodhini sabha in 1839 ?

A. Dayanand Sarswati
B. Maharishi Devendranath Tagore
C. Raja Ram Mohan Roy
D. Jogesh Chandra Dutt



58. The eminent Bengali novelist and composer of national song Vande Mataram who aroused a new consciousness in the 19th century Bengal Society was :

A. Rabindranath Tagore
B. Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay
C. Sarat Chandra Chatterjee
D. None of the above



59. Vivekanand established Ramakrishna Mission :

A. In 1892
B. In 1897
C. In 1937
D. In 1939



60. For the cause of national liberation Swami Dayananda stressed on :

A. Swabhasha and Swarajya
B. Swadharma
C. Swadeshi
D. All of the above



61. Who brought out a paper with the title of the ‘loyal Muhammadanans of India’ ?
A. Sir Sayyid Ahmad Khan.
B. Khan Abdul Ghafar Khan
C. Abbas Tyabji
D. Rafi Ahmed Kidwai



62. Individual Satyagrah was started on:

A. October 17 1935
B. October 17 1939
C. October 17 1940
D. October 17 1942



63. In order to secure co-operation of Indians the British government in the midst of worsening wartime international situation sent Cripps Mission to India:

A. In 1940
B. In 1942
C. In 1945
D. In 1946



64. In accordance with provisions of the Government of India Act 1935 elections to the Provincial Legislatures were held in :
A. February 1925
B. February 1932
C. February 1935
D. February 1937



65. The First Round Table Conference was held on:
A. November 12 1930
B. December 12 1930
C. November 12 1937
D. October 12 1930



66. Dr. B. R. Ambedkar organized a Bhishkrit Hitkari Sabha, (The Depressed Classes Institute) in :
A. 1924
B. 1920
C. 1916
D. 1911



67. Who founded Satya Shodhak Samaj in 1873 ?

A. Shri Bharat Kumar
B. Purushottam Das Tandon
C. Bankim Chandra Chattopashyay
D. Jyotiba Phule



68. The Gandhi-Irwin Pact was signed on :
A. July 5 1931
B. June 5 1931
C. March 5 1931
D. January 5 1931



69. In July 1933 the Congress decided to launch:
A. An Individual Civil Disobedience
B. Satyagrah
C. Bharat Chhoro Aandolan
D. None of these



70. The first President of Indian National congress was :

A. Sir Womesh Chunder Bonnerjee.
B. Annie Besant
C. Dadabhai Naoroji
D. George Yule



71. Who conveyed to the Indians – “I am with you wholeheartedly and in terms of culture I am one of you”?

A. Annie Besant
B. Badruddin Tyabji
C. George Yule
D. Sir William Wedderburn



72. Who said “Every blow on my body will prove a nail in the coffin of the British Empire”?

A. Lala Lajpat Rai
B. Kunwar Singh
C. Bal Gangadhar Tilak
D. Chandra Sekhar Azaad



73. In March 1923 Chittranjan Das along with Motilal Nehru formed :
A. The Gaddar Party
B. The Forward Block
C. The Swaraj Party
D. None of these



74. After the suspension of the Non-Cooperation Movement, who were called pro-changers in the Congress?
A. Motilal Nehru and Anne Besant
B. Anne Besant and Chittranjan Das
C. Motilal Nehru and Chittranjan Das
D. None of these



75. Aurobindo Ghose, Barindra Kumar Ghose, B.P. Mitra, Abinash Bhattacharya and Bhupendranath Dutta were associated with the revolutionary organization :

A. Anushilan Samiti (in Bengal).
B. Satya Shodhak Samaj
C. Bengal Society
D. None of these



76. Subhash Chandra Bose formed Forward Block in :
A. The Year 1935
B. The Year 1939
C. The Year 1937
D. The Year 1942



77. The main centre of Gadar Movement of 1915 was :
A. United States of America.
B. Japan
C. Australia
D. Singapore



78. Who called the 1857 revolt as ‘Student Farmer-Middle class Revolt’?
A. Sumit Sarkar
B. Barun De
C. B A Saletore
D. Dr. Amba Prasad



79. Justice C. Y. Chintamani called Government of India Act 1935?
A. Lazy Duck
B. Lame Duck
C. Lazy Federation
D. Lame Federation



80. Mahatma Gandhi considered preconditions as necessary for a satyagrahi to fulfill namely :
A. Follow truth and cultivate fearlessness.
B. Prefect Chastity
C. Adopts poverty
D. All of these



81. The Kakori Conspiracy took place in :
A. 1925
B. 1922
C. 1920
D. 1915



82. Jallianwala Bagh Massacre in Amritsar took place on :
A. March 13 1919
B. April 13 1919
C. May 13 1919
D. June 13 1919



83. Whom did Mahatma Gandhi consider his political guru?
A. Shri Bharat Kumar
B. Purushottam Das Tandon
C. Sir William Wedderburn
D. Gopal Krishna Gokhale



84. The organization of Khudai Khidmatgar was established:
A. Under the leadership of Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan.
B. Under the leadership of Abul Kalam Azad
C. Under the leadership of M.
D. Under the leadership of Syed Hasan Imam



85. Bal Gangadhar Tilak introduced the slogan Swaraj is my birth right in :
A. 1896
B. 1904
C. 1906
D. 1910



86. Who founded Abhinav Bharat ?
A. V.
C. Arbindo Ghosh
D. None of these



87. The two names which were associates with the publication of the paper ‘Yugantar’ are:
A. Barindra kumar Ghose and Arbindo Ghosh
B. Bhupendranath Dutta and Arbindo Ghosh
C. Barindra kumar Ghose and Bhupendranath Dutta
D. Sawarkar



88. Delhi was formally declared the future capital of the British India in :
A. 1906
B. 1909
C. 1912
D. 1911



89. The year which is associated with the Gadar movement is:
A. 1911
B. 1913
C. 1917
D. 1922



90. The Queen Victoria assumed the title of the Empress of India in 1876 by :
A. British parliament
B. Indian Sabha
C. Singaporian Parliament
D. None of these



91. Who said – “Our Life and religion are useless without the attainment of Swaraj”?
A. Bal Gangadhar Tilak
B. Veer Kunwar
C. Lala Lajpat Rai
D. Bhagat Singh



92. The newspapers ‘The Punjabi and The pupil’ were published by :
A. Bal Gangadhar Tilak
B. Lala Lajpat Rai
C. Bhagat Singh
D. Lala Hardyal



93. The National College in Calcutta had been established on :
A. September 14 1906
B. July 14 1906
C. March 14 1906
D. August 14 1906



94. In 1906 Dadabhai Naoroji had passed a resolution approving the issues of swadeshi and national education in:
A. The Calcutta Session of the Indian National congress
B. The Lucknow Session of the Indian National congress
C. The Meerut Session of the Indian National congress
D. The Lahore Session of the Indian National congress



95. Who played an important role in the Gadar Movement in 1915?
A. Lala Hardayal
B. Lala Lajpat Rai
C. Bal Gangadhar Tilak
D. None of above



96. In 1821 Raja Ram Mohan Roy started the Bengal quarterly:
A. Samvad Kaumudi
B. Bengali renaissance
C. Bengal Gazette
D. The Brahmonical



97. The first man after the revolt of 1857 who wanted to overthrow the British regime by means of an armed rebellion and establish self-government in India was:
A. Bhakt Khan
B. Nana Sahib
C. Vasudeo Balwant Phadke
D. Jung Bhadur Rana



98. Who established East India Association in London 1866?
A. Subhash Chandra Bose
B. Dadabhai Naoroji
C. V. O. Chidambaram Pillai
D. Hemu Kalani



99. In 1893 Mahatma Gandhi went to South Africa in connection with the trial of a merchant:
A. Hemu Kalani
B. Sachindra Bakshi
C. Manmath Nath Gupta
D. Abdulla Seth



100. Which foreigner arrived in India on Nov. 16, 1893?

A. Khan Abdul Gaffar
B. W A Hume
C. Annie Besant
D. None of these



101. Barindra Kumar Ghose and Bhupendranath Dutta started:
A. Jugantar
B. Som Prakash
C. Vichar Lahiri
D. Sandhya



102. Lord Curzon announced the partition of Bengal on :
A. 16 October 1911
B. 16 October 1896
C. 16 October 1907
D. 16 October 1905



103. Whose statement is this –“The Indians should no longer be satisfied with mere mendicancy neither should they beg the English for concessions”?

A. V N Mandalik
B. Lala Lajpat Rai
C. Bipin Chandra Pal
D. Abdul Kalam Azad



104. Which Indian revolutionary was called by the Britishers as ‘The Father of Indian Disaffection and biggest traitor’?
A. Lala Lajpat Rai
B. Lala Hardyal
C. Bal Gangadhar Tilak
D. M G Ranade



105. Who was the founder of a society known as ‘Abhinav Bharat’ ?
A. J K Hikki
B. B B Upadhyay
C. Vinayak Damodar Savarkar
D. None of the above



106. Maulana qasim Nanautavi, Rashid Ahmad Gangohi, Sheikhul Hind Maulana- Mahmud-ul Hasan were the prominent figures who represented?
A. Deoband Movement
B. Santhal Movement
C. Indigo Movement
D. None of these



107. In the history of Indian National Movement Santhal Rebellion took place between :

A. 1845-47
B. 1849-50
C. 1855-56
D. 1866-67



108. The famine which killed nearly 8 lakh people during British rule as per the report furnished by the Femine Commissioon of 1660 had struck :
A. Eastern India
B. Northern India
C. Southern India
D. Western India



109. Who called the revolt of 1857 as a war between barbarism and civilization?
A. V A Smith
B. T. R. Holmes
C. J K Hikki
D. Sir Ahmed Khan



110. Who is the author of the book ‘The Great Rebellion’?

A. Robert Knight
B. T N Das
C. Ashok Mehta
D. K M Pannikar



111. Who said, “this (the revolt 1857) was an eruption of social volcano, where many spent forces found vent. After the eruption, the whole social topography had changed; the scars if rebellion remained deep and shining?”
A. J K Hikki
B. Ashok Mehta
C. K M Pannikar
D. None of the above



112. Sisir Kumar Ghosh, Shambhuchand Mukherhee, Kali Mohan Das and Jogesh Chandra Dutt were editors of:
A. Amrit Bazar Patrika
B. Hindu
C. Sudharak
D. Yugantar



113. Which of the British Acts provided for the establishment of All India Federation at the centre ?
A. The Government of India Act 1935.
B. The Government of India Act 1919.
C. Indian Independence act 1947
D. The Registration act 1908



114. The Cabinet mission arrived in Delhi on:
A. August 24 1946
B. May 24 1946
C. March 24 1946
D. April 24 1946



115. The British government declared Communist Party of India illegal in:

A. 1924
B. 1934
C. 1930
D. 1939



116. Under which British Act was the provision to establish a Federation of India concession of Governor’s provinces and Princely states made?
A. Government of India Act 1918
B. Government of India Act 1925
C. Government of India Act 1930
D. Government of India Act 1935



117. When was Poona Pact between Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. B. R. Ambedkar signed?
A. In 1920
B. In 1925
C. In 1928
D. In 1932



118. The British Prime Minister Atlee announced the withdrawal of the Britishers in the House of Commons from India on
A. February 20 1942
B. February 20 1947
C. March 20 1947
D. March 20 1942



119. Who said, “India is for Indians?”
A. Syed Hasan Imam
B. Mahatma Gandhi
C. Dr. S.Gopal
D. Dayanand Saraswati



120. Who said,” One Country One God, One Caste, one Mind brothers all of us Without Difference, without Doubt ?”
A. V.
B. Savarkar
C. Syed Hasan Imam
D. Lala Lajpat Rai



121. United India House organizes Unity among Indians in the United states of America in
A. 1906
B. 1908
C. 1910
D. 1917



122. The Indian People play people’s role in the people’s war was the slogan of:
A. The Forward Block
B. Indian National Congress
C. Communist Party of India
D. None of these



123. Who in the year 1907 unfurled the first national flag at the International socialist conference in Stuttgart (Germany)?
A. Madame Bhikaji Cama
B. Subash Chandra Bose
C. Jawahar Lal Nehru
D. Sardar Patel



124. In 1942 who appealed the Britishers to leave India in God’s hands?
A. Jawahar Lal Nehru
B. Mohhamad Ali Jinnah
C. Sardar patel
D. Mahatma Gandhi



125. Individual Satyagrah – symbolic and non-violent in nature was started on:
A. October 17 1942
B. October 17 1940
C. October 17 1939
D. October 17 1938



126. In 1906 to protest discrimination against Indians in S. Africa Mahatma Gandhi started
A. Satyagraha at Durban
B. Satyagraha at Cape Town
C. Satyagraha at Port Elizabeth
D. Satyagraha at Johannesburg



127. Which slogan was given by the Congress in opposition to British Government involving India in Second World War in 1939 without consulting the people of India ?
A. Karo ya Maro
B. Nahi Karenge Nahi Ladenge
C. Na koi bhai na koi pai.
D. None of these



128. Subhash Chandra Bose was elected the president of the Indian national congress :
A. Ramgarh Session 1940
B. Bombay Session 1934
C. Tripuri session 1939
D. Wardha Session 1942



129. Bal Gangadhar Tilak began his drive for new awakening among the Indians by publishing two newspapers in 1881
A. The Maratha and Kesari
B. The Maratha and Samwad
C. The Samwad and Kesari
D. The Maratha and Kumudi



130. In the elections held in 1937 under the provisions of the Government of India Act of 1935 Congress Ministries were formed in :
A. Eleven States
B. Nine States
C. Five States
D. Ten States



131. Whom did the Britishers call the father of Indian disaffection and the biggest traitor?
A. Bal Gangadhar Tilak
B. Lala Hardayal
C. Lala Lajpat Rai
D. None of these



132. Who established in 1893 the society for the removal of Obstacles to the Hindu Religion?
A. Dayanand Sarshawati
B. Raja Ram Mohan Rai
C. The Chapekar brothers
D. None of these



133. Raja Rammohan Roy founded Brahma samaj on
A. 20 August1838
B. 20 August1828
C. 20 August1848
D. 20 August1858



134. Gandhiji launched the Non-cooperation movement in:
A. The year 1910
B. The year 1915
C. The year 1917
D. The year 1920



135. Swami Sahajanand Saraswati was the first president of
A. All India Hindu Mahasabha
B. All India Unity Mahasabha
C. All India Kisan Mahasabha
D. None of these



136. From where did the quit India Movement begin?

A. Calcutta
B. Mysore
C. Bombay
D. Pune



137. Abhinav Bharat organized in 1904 was :
A. Hindu Mahashabha
B. A secret society of revolutionary activists
C. All India Kisan Mahasabha
D. None of these



138. The major Muslim organizations which opposed the partition of India were
A. The Jamiat-Ulema-hind
B. Khudai Khidmatgar
C. Majlis-e-Ahrar –Hind
D. All of these



139. Who was the selected as first satyagrahi by Mahatma Gandhi to begin individual satyagraha in 1940?
A. Vinoba Bhave
B. Jawahar Lal Nehru
C. Brahma Datt
D. Annie Besant



140. Who was the mastermind of bomb attack on Lord Hardinge at chandani chowk in Delhi in 1912?
A. Amir Chand
B. Avadh Behari
C. Rasbihari Bose
D. Basant Kumar Biswas



141. Partition of Bengal was revoked in 1911 during the Viceroyalty of
A. Lord Hardinge
B. Lord Minto
C. Lord Chelmsford
D. Lord Reading



142. Quit India movement began on:
A. August 9 1940
B. August 9 1941
C. August 8 1942
D. August 9 1944



143. Under which document was the separate electorate granted for muslims ?
A. Charter Act of 1813
B. The Permanent Settlement
C. Mahalwari System Reforms
D. Morley Minto Reforms



144. Lucknow pact of 1916 was between:
A. Indian Muslim League and Mahatma Gandhi
B. Indian Muslim League and Indian National congress
C. Indian National congress and Lord Hardinge
D. Lord Hardinge and Mahatma Gandhi



145. During the tenure of which Governor general was the resolution of total independence passed?
A. Lord Irwin
B. Lord Minto
C. Lord Chelmsford
D. Lord Reading



146. The main centre of Wahabi Movement during the freedom movement was
A. Lucknow
B. Mysore
C. Patna
D. Delhi



147. Swami Dayanand established the head quarters of Arya Samaj in:
A. Calcutta
B. Lahore
C. Mumbai
D. Chennai



148. In 1912 Mohammad Ali started the paper
A. The Native Opinion
B. The New India
C. Al-Balagh
D. The Comrade



149. The Indian National congress decided to launch an individual civil disobedience in place of Mass civil Disobedience in:
A. 1942
B. 1935
C. 1933
D. 1928



150. Which Act provided for the establishment of an All India federation at the centre consisting of the provinces of British India and the princely states?
A. The Government of India Act 1935
B. Government of India Act 1918
C. Government of India Act 1925
D. Government of India Act 1930



151. When did Mahatma Gandhi go on fast unto death for the first time?
A. 1921
B. 1917
C. 1918
D. 1915



152. What is called the magna carta of Western Education system in Indian?
A. Dispatch of Charles wood secretary of state 1854
B. Slavery Bill for Education
C. Wonder of Education refoms
D. None of these



153. Who led the revolt of 1857 in Lucknow?
A. Bahadur Shah Jafar
B. Jung Bahadur Rana
C. Begum Hazrat Mahal
D. Tatya Tope



154. Who said “one religion one caste and one God for mankind?”
A. Dayanand Sarshwati
B. Swami Sachidanand Sarshwati
C. Swami Ramanand Sarshwati
D. Narayan Guru



155. On what ground did the second split in the congress take place in 1918?
A. Charter act of India
B. Montague Chelmsford Declaration
C. Morley Minto Reforms
D. None of these



156. Which revolutionary wrote books Colour of Swadeshi and Revolutionary Life?
A. Bhagat Singh
B. Sukhdev
C. Pandit Ram Prasad Bismil
D. Raj Guru



157. Which revolutionary was associated with the foundation of the Punjab Navjivan Bharat Sabha in 1926?
A. Rash Behari Bose
B. Amir Chand
C. Basant Kumar Biswas
D. Bhagat Singh



158. The novel ‘Neel Darpan’ depicting the harassment and oppression of Indigo farmers by the Britishers was written by:
A. M M Malviya
B. Bipin Chandra Pal
C. Tara Shankar Bandhopadhyay
D. Sisir Kumar Ghosh



159. Who led the revolt in 1857 in Bihar and defeated the British Army near Aara?
A. Bahadur Shah Jafar
B. Kunwar Singh
C. Tatya Tope
D. Mangal Pandey



160. Who wrote famous thesis entitled ‘South India in 1857: war of Independence’:
A. J K Hikki
B. K M Pannikar
C. M G Ranade
D. Savarkar



161. Who has written about the revolt of 1857- ‘this was an eruption of social volcano’ where many spent forces found vent. After the vent the whole social topography has changed. The scars of rebellion remained deep and shining?”
A. Brahma Datt
B. V.
C. Savarkar
D. Ashok Mehta



162. Which Act may be regarded as the beginning of representative system in modern India?
A. The Indian councils Act 1861
B. Government of India Act 1918
C. Government of India Act 1925
D. Government of India Act 1935



163. By which Act may be the British parliament did Queen Victoria assume the title of ‘the Empress of India’ to emphasize British sovereignty over the whole of British provinces in India and Indian states?
A. The Royal Titles Act 1866
B. The Royal Titles Act 1870
C. The Royal Titles Act 1876
D. The Royal Titles Act 1886



164. The Vernacular press Act as a safety valve against vernacular newspapers was passed by Lord Lytton on
A. April 14 1878
B. March 14 1878
C. March 14 1876
D. March 14 1870



165. Who was the first to call the revolt of 1857 as an organized war for national Independence?
A. Ashok Mehta
B. Dr. S Gopal
C. Syed Hasan Imam
D. Savarkar



166. The first Round Table conference was held on:
A. December 12 1930
B. August 12 1930
C. April 12 1930
D. November 12 1930



167. The Gandhi-Irvin pact under which Mahatma Gandhi agreed to suspend the civil Disobedience Movement was signed on
A. March 5 1931
B. April 8 1931
C. May 8 1931
D. August 8 1931



168. With the objective of raising the moral and material status of the untouchables Dr. B.R. Ambedkar organized:
A. The Harijan Hitkari sabha
B. The Bahishkrit Hitkari sabha
C. The Harijan Uthan sabha
D. The Bahishkrit Utthan sabha



169. Which report became the basis for enacting the Government of India Act 1935?

A. Reading’s report
B. Montague Chelmsford Declaration
C. Morley Minto Reforms
D. Simon Commission’s report



170. The committee headed by Motilal Nehru constituted to draw up a blue print for the future constitution of India published
A. Nehru Report
B. Constitution report
C. Government of India Report
D. None of these



171. In order to study the position of education Indian constitutional commission was constituted in 1929 under the chairmanship of
A. Phillip Uartog
B. Phillip Reading
C. Uartog Reading
D. None of these



172. Who said – “patriotism is religion and religion is love for India?”
A. Bhagat Singh
B. Bipin Chandra Pal
C. Ashok Mehta
D. Bankim Chandra Chatterjee



173. The congress policy of prayer and petition ultimately came to an end under the guidance of
A. B G Tilak
B. Lala Lajpat Rai
C. Bipin Chandra Pal
D. None of these



174. “In this instance we could not play off the Mohammedans against the Hindus.” To which one of the following events did this remark of Aitchison relate?
A. Bang Bhang
B. Santhal Movement
C. Kishan Andolan
D. Revolt of 1857



175. While delivering the presidential address’ The Congress president who advocated the introduction of Roman Script for Hindi language was
A. Surendranath Banerjee
B. Dadabhai Naoroji
C. Subhash Chandra Bose
D. Sankaran Nair



176. Who founded Atmiya Sabha in 1815?
A. Brahma Datt
B. Dayanand Saraswati
C. Raja Rammohan Roy
D. None of these



177. Who wrote in 1900 to the Secretary of state for India-‘It is my firm belief that the congress is staggering towards its downfall and it is my great desire that during my stay in India I should help in its peaceful demise?”
A. Lord Curzon
B. Lord Hardinge
C. Lord Chelmsford
D. Lord Minto



178. Bal Gangadhar Tilak popularly known as Lokamanya Tilak was born in 1856 at
A. Ratnagiri
B. Pune
C. Mumbai
D. None of these



179. An English weekly called ‘New India’ was started by;
A. K M Pannikar
B. Devendra Nath Tagore
C. Annie Besant
D. Mahatma Gandhi



180. Bang Darshan was the main newspaper of
A. Sisir Kumar Ghosh
B. Birendra Nath Chatterjee
C. Pini Chandra Pal
D. Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay



181. Montague – Chelmsford report was prepared on the basis of
A. The Government of India act 1913
B. The Government of India act 1919
C. The Government of India act 1935
D. None of these



182. The Governor General who came to be known as father of communal electorate in India was
A. Lord Chelmsford
B. Lord Hardinge
C. Lord Lainthgo
D. Lord Minto



183. In order to restrict the freedom of the press, the British government passed “The Indian official secrets Act” in
A. 1907
B. 1904
C. 1903
D. 1896



184. The most outstanding representative of Militant Nationalist School of thought was
A. Bal Gangadhar Tilak
B. Bhagat Singh
C. Bismil
D. Lala Lajpat Rai



185. The first economic thinker of India who showed through his writings that the basic cause of India’s poverty lay in the British exploitation and drain of wealth was
A. Badruddin Tyabji
B. Womesh Chandra Bonnerjee
C. Dadabhai Naoroji
D. N.G. Chandavarkar



186. About the formation of which organization A.O. Hume said “A safety valve for the escape of great and growing forces generated by our own action urgently needed.”
A. Bhinav Bharat
B. Young Indian Organization
C. Young India
D. Indian National Congress



187. The demand for Swarajya or self- government within the British empire was made from the Congress platform by
A. Gopal Krishna Gokhale
B. Dadabhai Naoroji
C. Both Gopal Krishna Gokhale and Dadabhai Naoroji
D. None of these



188. Mahatma Gandhi’s first great experiment in Satyagrah came in 1917 in
A. Ahemdabad
B. Champaran
C. Kheda
D. Dandi



189. Rehnumai Mazdayasan Sabha started in 1851 by Naoroji Furdonji, Dadabahi Naroji, S.S. Bengalee and other was a
A. Parsi Economical Reform Association
B. Parsi education Reform Association
C. Parsi culture Reform Association
D. Parsi religious Reform Association



190. Mahatma Gandhi gave the title of Sardar to Vallabhbhai Patel for his great organizational skill in:
A. Kheda Satyagraha
B. Champaran Satyagraha
C. The Bardoli Satyagraha
D. None of these



191. The pioneer of Indian communism was
A. M.N. Roy
B. G.N Ganguly
C. P.C Chandra
D. None of these



192. Whom did B.G.Tilak call the “Diamond of India”?
A. Mahatma Gandhi
B. Rabindranath Tagore
C. Gopal Krishna Gokhale.
D. Bhagat Singh



193. The Battle of Plassey was fought in
A. 1757
B. 1782
C. 1748
D. 1764



194. The territory of Porus who offered strong resistance to Alexander was situated between the rivers of
A. Sutlej and Beas
B. Jhelum and Chenab
C. Ravi and Chenab
D. Ganga and Yamuna



195. Under Akbar, the Mir Bakshi was required to look after
A. military affairs
B. the state treasury
C. the royal household
D. the land revenue system



196. are sacred books of
A. Buddhists
B. Hindus
C. Jains
D. None of the above



197. The trident-shaped symbol of Buddhism does not represent
A. Nirvana
B. Sangha
C. Buddha
D. Dhamma



198. The theory of economic drain of India during British imperialism was propounded by
A. Jawaharlal Nehru
B. Dadabhai Naoroji
C. R.
D. M.K. Gandhi



199. The treaty of Srirangapatna was signed between Tipu Sultan and
A. Robert Clive
B. Cornwallis
C. Dalhousie
D. Warren Hastings



200. The system of competitive examination for civil service was accepted in principle in the year
A. 1833
B. 1853
C. 1858
D. 1882



201. Through which one of the following, the king exercised his control over villages in the Vijayanagar Empire?
A. Dannayaka
B. Sumanta
C. Nayaka
D. Mahanayakacharya



202. The Vijayanagara ruler, Kirshnadev Raya’s work ,, was in
A. Telugu
B. Sanskrit
C. Tamil
D. Kannada



203. Under an agreement with which of the following countries did Subhas Chandra Bose organize the Indian soldiers, taken as prisoners by the Axis Powers, into the Azad Hind Fauj?
A. China
B. Germany
C. Italy
D. Japan



204. We hear of two envoys being sent to the Roman kings, one in 27-28 AD to the court of Augustus and the other in 110-20 AD to the court of
A. Cartius
B. Trajan
C. Nero
D. Brutus



205. The use of , in ancient Indian architecture is the result of India’s contact with
A. Central Asia
B. Iran
C. Greece
D. China



206. the five-fold conception of Vishnu consists of
A. I II III IV and V
C. I II IV V and VI
D. I III IV V and VI



207. The troops raised by the emperor but not paid directly the state and place under the charge of , were known as
A. Walashahi
B. Barawardi
C. Jcumaki
D. Dakhili



208. The treaty of Mangalore was signed between
A. the English East India Company and Haidar Ali
B. the English East India Company and Tipu Sultan
C. Haidar Ali and the Zamorin of Calicut
D. the French East India Company and Tipu Sultan



209. To conquer and annex Peshawar and Punjab, Mahmud of Ghazni defeated
A. Ghurids
B. Arabs
C. Karkotakas
D. Hindushahis



210. To which professions earlier leaders who struggled for freedom of India mainly belonged?
A. Lawyers
B. Teachers
C. Journalists
D. All of the above



211. The victories of Karikala are well portrayed in
A. Palamoli
B. Aruvanad
C. Pattinappalai
D. Padirrupattu



212. Todar Mal was associated with
A. music
B. literature
C. land revenue reforms
D. law



213. The title of ‘Viceroy’ was added to the office of the Governor-General of India for the first time in
A. 1848 AD
B. 1856 AD
C. 1858 AD
D. 1862 AD



214. To which of the following dynasties did King Bhoja, a great patron of literature and art, belong?
A. Karkota
B. Utpala
C. Paramara
D. Gurjara Pratihara



215. Vikramaditya, a king of Ujjain, started the Vikrama samvat in 58 BC in commemoration of his victory over
A. Indo-Greeks
B. Sakas
C. Parthinas
D. Kushanas



216. Two of the great Mughals wrote their own memories. They were
A. Babar and Humayun
B. Humayun and Jahangir
C. Babar and Jahangir
D. Jahangir and Shahjahan



217. To which king belongs the Lion capital at Sarnath?
A. Chandragupta
B. Ashoka
C. Kanishka
D. Harshavardhan



218. The use of spinning wheel (,) became common during the
A. 9th Century AD
B. 10th Century AD
C. 12th Century AD
D. 14th Century AD



219. The language of discourses of Gautama Buddha was
A. Bhojpuri
B. Magadhi
C. Pali
D. Sanskrit



220. There were widespread risings against the British in the 1820s. Which one of the following did not revolt in the 1820s?
A. Santhals
B. Ahoms
C. Pagal Panthis
D. Ramosi



221. Velu Thampi led a revolt against the British in state of
A. Travancore
B. Baroda
C. Hyderabad
D. Mysore



222. Under the Mountbatten Plan of 1947 the people of ___ were given the right to decide through a plebiscite whether they wished to join Pakistan or India.
A. Assam
B. Punjab
C. Bengal
D. N.W.F.P and the Sylhet district of Assam



223. Three major powers that emerged in southern India in the 7th century AD were



224. The term ‘Yavanapriya’ mentioned in ancient Sanskrit texts denoted
A. Ivory
B. Pepper
C. A fine variety of Indian muslin
D. Damsels sent to the Greek court for dance performance



225. The Timariots Governors and the Revenue Contractors, on their part reason in this manner: “Why should the neglected state of this land create uneasiness in our minds and why should we expend our money and time to render it fruitful? We may be deprived of it in a single moment, and our exertions would benefit neither ourselves nor our children.” This statement was made by
A. Monserrate
B. Tavernier
C. Manrique
D. Bernier



226. The ultimate ownership of land during the post-Gupta period lay with
A. The cultivator
B. The village community
C. The king
D. The joint family



227. To which of the republic of Buddha belong?
A. Licchavis
B. Sakyas
C. Mallas
D. None of the above



228. There was a sharp class division at Harappa and Mohenjodaro. This is clear from the
A. Indus seals excavated
B. Religious beliefs of the Harappans
C. Tools and implements used by the Harappans
D. Different types of dwellings excavated



229. The title given by the British Government to Mahatma Gandhi which he surrendered during the non-cooperation movement was
A. Hind Keasri
B. Kaiser-e-Hind
C. Rai Bahadur
D. Rt. Honorable



230. Tipu sultan was the ruler of
A. Hyderabad
B. Madurai
C. Mysore
D. Vijayanagar



231. The term , meant
A. Foreign goods
B. Dancer
C. Curtain
D. Theatre



232. The term Khalisa in Mughal administration signified the
A. entire Imperial establishment
B. land owned by the emperor himself
C. religious land grants
D. land from where revenue was collected for the Imperial Treasury



233. Visakhadatta sketches the event after the death of Samudragupta in his work
A. Mudrarakasam
B. Devi Chand Guptam
C. Mrichekakatika
D. Malavikagnimitra



234. The system of Dual Government during the latter half of the 18th century AD is associated with the name of
A. Clive
B. Cornwallis
C. Waren Hastings
D. William Bentinck



235. was interpreted by
A. Swami Vivekananda
B. Swami Dayananda
C. Raja Rammohan Roy
D. None of the above



236. The term ,, meaning a feudatory from the sixth century AD, originally meant a
A. slave
B. cultivator
C. neighbour
D. foreigner



237. To evolve a peaceful settlement of the conflict between India and China, which of the following non-aligned Afro-Asian nations participated in a conference held in December 1962?
A. Burma (now Myanmar) Combodia Indonesia and UAR
B. Burma Sri Lanka Combodia and Indonesia
C. Burma Indonesia Ghana and Sri Lanka
D. All of the above



238. The text of the document called ,, by which Akbar assumed the role of supreme arbiter in the matters of religion is found in
A. Nizamuddin’s Tabaqat-I-Akbari
B. Arif Quandahari’s Tarikh-I-Alfi
C. Abul Fazl’s Akbarnama
D. Badauni’s Muntakahab-ut-Tawarikh



239. Tulsidas, the author of ,, was a contemporary of which of the following rulers?
A. Akbar
B. Humayun
C. Shahjahan
D. Sher Shah Suri



240. To meet the educational needs of the people, the Madarasa-I-Nasiri was built in the reign of
A. Qutub-ud-din Aibak
B. Iltutmish
C. Ruknuddin Firoz Shah
D. Jalal-id-din Khilji



241. The weekly , was founded by
A. Annie Besant
B. Bipan Chandra Pal
C. Bal Gangadhar Tilak
D. Sarojini Naidu



242. Ustad Mansur was a famous painter in the reign of
A. Shajahan
B. Akbar
C. Humayun
D. Jahangir



243. The Vedic deity Indra was the Goddess of
A. Wind
B. Eternity
C. Rain and thunder
D. Fire



244. Tolkappiyam is associated with the
A. first Sangam period
B. second Sangam period
C. third Sangam period
D. post-third Sangam period



245. Pulakesin II was the most famous ruler of
A. Chalukyas
B. Cholas
C. Pallavas
D. Satavahanas



246. The term , occurs for the first time in
A. early Vedic texts
B. early Buddhist texts
C. pre-Gupta inscriptions
D. post-Gupta inscriptions



247. Under whose leadership was the all India Muslim League set up?
A. Mohammed Ali Jinnah
B. Sayyid Ahmed Khan
C. Aga Khan
D. All of the above



248. Though Ashoka had many sons, the inscriptions mentioned only one who is not mentioned in any other source. He is
A. Kunala
B. Tivara
C. Mahendra
D. Jalauka



249. We can know about early vedic period from
A. archaeological excavations
B. the Rig Veda
C. Jatak Katha
D. contemporary culture



250. The Upanishads are
A. A source of Hindu philosophy
B. Books of ancient Hindu laws
C. Books on social behavior of man
D. Prayers to God



251. Universities in the Presidency towns in India were established in
A. 1857
B. 1858
C. 1900
D. 1909



252. The Vijayanagara king who employed skilled archers of the Turkish clan and raised the fighting capacity of his bowmen was
A. Bukka I
B. Devaraya I
C. Krishnadevaraya
D. Ramaraya



253. Under the Guptas in eastern India, there was probably an intermediate level of administration between visayas (districts) and villages. Identify it.
A. Bhukit
B. Pradesa
C. Vifhi
D. Ahara



254. The two principles monuments of Alaud-din Khilji’s reign – the Jama Masjid at Kana and Alai Darwaza – were constructed at
A. Agra
B. Delhi
C. Dhar
D. Gulbarga



255. The term , is associated with
A. Ajivikas
B. Charvakas
C. Jains
D. Pasupatas



256. The Kalinga was fought in
A. 321 BC
B. 301 BC
C. 261 BC
D. 241 BC



257. Under the Government of India, Provincial Legislatures consisted of two chambers, except in the case of
A. Assam
B. Bihar
C. Madras
D. Punjab



258. The Venetian traveler who travelled with his wife and reached Vijayanagar around 1420 was
A. Athanasius Nikitin
B. Niccolo de Conti
C. Ibn Batuta
D. Ferishta



259. The year 788 AD was a good one for Hinduism. Why?
A. Shankracharya was born that year.
B. Harsha Vardhana the last Buddhist king died.
C. Samudragupta converted to Hinduism.
D. All Muslim invaders were defeated.



260. The Uprising of 1857 was described as the first Indian war of Independence by
A. S.N. Sen
B. R.
C. Mazumdar
D. Savakar



261. The twenty-third Jaina teacher, Parsva, the immediate predecessor of Mahavira enjoined on his disciples four great vows. To these Mahavira adds which of the followings as the fifth vow?
A. Abstention from stealing
B. Non-injury
C. Brahmacharya or continence
D. Non-attachment



262. The Turko-Afghan rule in India lasted for about
A. two centuries
B. three centuries
C. four centuries
D. a little over one century



263. Which of the following is not included in Mughal paintings?
A. Portraits
B. Islamic themes
C. Flowers and plants
D. Hunting scenes



264. Against which Mughal Emperor was a FATWA issued from Jaunpur?
A. Humayun
B. Akbar
C. Shahjahan
D. Aurangzeb



265. Who gave the slogan DO OR DIE during the quit India movement in 1942?
A. Mahatma Gandhi
B. Subhash Chandra Bose
C. Bhagat Singh
D. Jawaharlal Nehru



266. Which Sultan of Delhi was the first to charge GHARI or HOUSE TAX?

A. Balban
B. Alauddin Khalji
C. Mohammad bin Tughlaq
D. Firoz Shah Tughlaq



267. In which year was the quit India movement launched?
A. 1930
B. 1940
C. 1942
D. 1947



268. Which Viceroy of India had largest tenure during British rule:
A. Lord Linlithgow
B. Lord Mountbatten
C. Lord Bentick
D. None of above



269. Who was governor general when the 1857 revolt broke out?

A. Canning
B. Lawrence
C. Dalhousie
D. Curzon



270. The title VIKRAMADITYA was assumed by:
A. Samudragupta
B. Kanishka
C. Chandragupta II
D. Ashoka